Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

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C'est parti !

AVOCATS.BE travaille depuis plus d’un an à la création d’une campagne de communication, de promotion, osons le mot, de l’avocat(e) à l’instar des campagnes radiophoniques passées a…

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Liedekerke logo
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Liselot Claeys vervoegt advocatenkantoor Liedekerke als Counsel

Liedekerke, een toonaangevend onafhankelijk advocatenkantoor, is verheugd de komst van Liselot Claeys als Counsel in haar Corporate & Finance praktijk aan te kondigen.

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Monard Law logo
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Monard strengthens its Insolvency and Restructuring team

Monard law welcomes a new member to its Insolvency and Restructuring team. Jente Dengler has joined the firm as of October 1, 2024.

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Loyens & Loeff logo
VAT refunds and compliance: from 2025, you better be complia…

In 2025, the processing of periodic VAT returns (the “VAT chain”) will chan…

Monard Law logo
The Court of Appeal in the Hague rules on the Shell case: ke…

On November 12, 2024, the international community closely followed the Cour…

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Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Windy times for offshore wind power support

Deze nieuwsbrief belicht twee recente evoluties die zich hebben voorgedaan m.b.t. het Belgische ondersteuningsregime voor offshore windenergie. Vooree…

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The new Belgian Competition Act

On April 26, 2013 the redrafted Belgian Competition Act of April 3, 2013 was published in the Official Journal. With the amended legislation Fede…

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The Commission published a proposal for a directive on rules governing actions for antitrust damages

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New Limosa : from 1 July 2013!

The Limosa obligation concerns the obligation for a seconded self-employed person or a seconded employee (not tied to an employer established in Belgi…

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Non-recurring result-tied bonus update

Through a transitional measure for 2013, employers can choose to bear the cost of the new employee social security contribution on bonuses. This will …

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Klachten en verzoeken

De nieuwe indieningsvoorwaarden van de klachten en verzoeken.

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De nieuwe wet rechtsbescherming overheidsopdrachten is gepubliceerd – verandert er iets?

Op 21 juni 2013 is de Wet van 17 juni 2013 betreffende de motivering, de informatie en de rechtsmiddelen inzake overheidsopdrachten en bepaalde opdrac…

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Optimization of interest due on the current account

When a manager/shareholder borrows money from his company, this is normally accounted for as a receivable in current account of the latter (debit a…

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De verplichting inzake vertrouwelijkheid in het stadium van de uitvoering van de opdracht

Uitvoering – vertrouwelijkheid

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Notification duty in case of cash payments exceeding EUR 5,000

The anti money laundering act of 11 January 1993, which limited the payments in cash for the purchase of goods to EUR 15,000, was restricted considera…

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Transatlantic developments in relation to the antitrust analysis of reverse payment settlements: Lundbeck and …

Lundbeck held various patents relating to citalopram, both in respect of the substance itself and in respect of various production processes. When the…

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Privilege of Unpaid Sellers of Movables

Abolition of Publicity Obligation by Filing Invoices at Court Registry

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Reform of European Trade Mark Law

Almost 25 years after the adoption of the Trade Marks Directive, harmonizing national trade mark law throughout the EU (now codified as Directive 2008…

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Algemene uitvoeringsregels voor de overheidsopdrachten – wijzigingen aan de opdracht

Bijkomende voorwaarden opgelegd door de nieuwe bepaling inzake wijzigingen tijdens de uitvoering van een overheidsopdracht.

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Competition renewed

On 28 May 2013, the new legislation on competition came partly into force. The Code on economic law, which is a long-term project, contains book IV on…

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Regularisation: Significant Changes on the Horizon - Current System Extended until 14 July 2013

The Act of 27 December 2005 introduced a system of permanent tax regularisation, allowing taxpayers to regularise previously undeclared amounts. The s…

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Toepassingsgebied van het koninklijk besluit tot bepaling van de algemene uitvoeringsregels

Type overheidsopdrachten – Drempels – Uitsluiting

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Has the Court of Justice Disallowed Language Requirements in Cross-border Employment Relationships?

On 16 April 2013, the Court of Justice of the European Union held (C-202/11) that the rule that an employment contract between a company established i…

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Shareholder Liability

The ongoing economic crisis has prompted an intensified search for persons who can be held liable for companies' debts. In this context, shareholder l…

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New European legislation on credit agencies

One and a half years after the Commission's legislative proposal to reinforce the regulatory framework of credit rating agencies (CRAs), Europe remain…

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