Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

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C'est parti !

AVOCATS.BE travaille depuis plus d’un an à la création d’une campagne de communication, de promotion, osons le mot, de l’avocat(e) à l’instar des campagnes radiophoniques passées a…

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Liedekerke logo
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Liselot Claeys vervoegt advocatenkantoor Liedekerke als Counsel

Liedekerke, een toonaangevend onafhankelijk advocatenkantoor, is verheugd de komst van Liselot Claeys als Counsel in haar Corporate & Finance praktijk aan te kondigen.

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Monard Law logo
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Monard strengthens its Insolvency and Restructuring team

Monard law welcomes a new member to its Insolvency and Restructuring team. Jente Dengler has joined the firm as of October 1, 2024.

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Loyens & Loeff logo
VAT refunds and compliance: from 2025, you better be complia…

In 2025, the processing of periodic VAT returns (the “VAT chain”) will chan…

Monard Law logo
The Court of Appeal in the Hague rules on the Shell case: ke…

On November 12, 2024, the international community closely followed the Cour…

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Wij publiceren dagelijks gratis meerdere juridische artikels geschreven door advocatenkantoren, notarissen, tax consultants, en de juridische diensten van sociale secretariaten.

Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Legal Advice of In-house Counsel Protected by Duty of Confidentiality

The Belgian Act of 1 March 2000 provides that legal advice rendered by in-house counsel is considered confidential when the company lawyer is acting a…

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Hospitalisatieverzekeringen - Beperking van de tariefverhogingen goedgekeurd door Hof van Justitie in Luxembur…

Het Hof van Justitie heeft het Belgisch systeem van beperkingen van de prijsverhogingen van hospitalisatieverzekeringen aan de medische index goedgeke…

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A recent ruling of the Court of Cassation recalls the need to be careful when terminating an agreement unila…

Article 1184 of the Belgian Civil Code stipulates that a judge, at the request of one of the parties to a contract, may declare termination of the con…

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The Brussels Code on Air, Climate and Energy Management: A Cross-cutting Approach to Environmental Challenges

On 31 May 2013, COBRACE (Code of Brussels for Air, the Climate and Energy Control) entered into force, to a large extent.[1] COBRACE consolidates and …

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Staatssteun en zorgverstrekking – de publieke financiering van een Portugese zorginstelling is geen staatssteu…

De Europese commissie oordeelt dat de publieke financiering door de Portugese gezondheidsautoriteiten van een zorgverstrekkingscentrum niet van aard i…

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Purely Potestative Condition Precedent to Perform Obligation Cannot Be Declared Null

On 22 April 2013, the Supreme Court (Hof van Cassatie/Cour de Cassation) held that if an obligation to perform is subject to a purely potestative cond…

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New developments in Dutch landmark cases concerning state aid and state guarantees

On 26 April 2013 the Dutch Supreme Court (the “Hoge Raad”) rendered two judgments in the state aid cases concerning guarantees provided by the Port of…

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Brussels Court of appeal acquits defendant for hyperlinking to an infringing video

In a decision of 19 March 2013, the Brussels Court of Appeal held that hyperlinking to an infringing video is not a criminal offence if malicious inte…

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Damage claims facilitated by Eu private enforcement proposal

The European Commission has adopted its long-awaited Directive on private actions. It explains how citizens and companies can claim damages when they …

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New authorised health claims!

A new list of authorised functional health claims was published on 11 June 2013 under the Commission Regulation (EU) No 536/201311. This Regulation ad…

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Gezondheiswet: nieuws over geneesmiddelen

Wijzigingen van de wet van 25 maart 1964 op de geneesmiddelen.

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Formalities Associated with Teleworking

Many companies allow staff to work from home for one or more days per week. Most of these workers operate from home using a computer, phone and/or oth…

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District Court of The Hague rules on preliminary defences in paraffin wax damage claims case

On 1 May 2013, the District Court of The Hague ruled in an interim decision on various preliminary defences in an antitrust 'follow-on' litigation cas…

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Gezondheidswet : budget van de ziekenhuizen

Wijzigingen in verband met de financiering van ziekenhuizen.

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La TVA et les voitures de société : où en est-on ?

Depuis le 1er janvier 2011, les assujettis sont - en principe - obligés de limiter la déduction de la TVA sur leurs véhicules de société à concurrence…

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Recent Developments in Intellectual Property before the European Courts

On 30 April 2013, the General Court of the European Union (the “General Court”) upheld the decision of the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Ma…

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European Court of Justice upholds finding that the Commission failed to act within the meaning of Article 265 …

On 16 May 2013, the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") dismissed an appeal of the European Commission (the "Commission") against a judgment of the Gene…

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De nieuwe overheidsopdrachtenreglementering treedt in werking op 1 juli!

  Het langverwachte koninklijk besluit tot bepaling van de datum van inwerkingtreding van de nieuwe overheidsopdrachtenreglementering is verschen…

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La nouvelle réglementation des marchés publics entre en vigueur le 1er juillet !

  L'arrêté royal tant attendu déterminant la date d'entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle réglementation des marchés publics a été publié au Moniteur …

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Public Procurement Act (2006) enters into force on 1 July 2013

The public procurement act and related implementation measures’ effective entry into force is finally set for 1 July 2013. This news comes with the pu…

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