Nieuws & Publicaties

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Stibbe Brussel versterkt Vastgoed- en Energiepraktijk met twee nieuwe partners

Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) en Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) tot partner benoemd

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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Géolocaliser des véhicules de société : quelles limites ?

La géolocalisation par les employeurs des véhicules de société utilisés par…

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Bestuurders, bezint eer ge aan een dividenduitkering begint …

Ook wanneer een dividenduitkering toegelaten is op basis van de vennootscha…

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Wij publiceren dagelijks gratis meerdere juridische artikels geschreven door advocatenkantoren, notarissen, tax consultants, en de juridische diensten van sociale secretariaten.

Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Amazon offers voluntary commitments in European Commission e-books investigation

On 24 January 2017, the European Commission announced it was inviting comments on voluntary commitments offered by Amazon relating to parity clauses i…

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Zijn legal online platformen legaal voor de advocaat?

Rocket Lawyer heeft aangekondigd actief te worden op de Nederlandse markt. De stap naar België volgt wel. Dit soort aanbiedingen vertegenwoordigt enor…

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Quod personalis notitia Iovi, non personalis notitia bovi

In its decision of 19 October 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") clarified the concept of personal data. The Court held that an…

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Preliminary questions to CJEU on refund of Dutch dividend withholding tax to non-resident investment funds

On 3 March 2017, the Dutch Supreme Court asked preliminary questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”), on the potential discrimi…

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Un licenciement fondé sur le Facteur Bradford n’est pas discriminatoire

Le Facteur Bradford ou Coefficient Bradford est une méthode d’analyse de l’absentéisme des travailleurs. L’accent est mis sur la fréquence d…

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Chinese outbound M&A in 2016 reached record levels, with announced transactions equaling USD 408bn, double…

However, deals worth USD 75bn[1] are reported as having failed to complete, mostly for regulatory reasons. Indeed, several dark clouds have gathe…

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Wet Werkbaar en Wendbaar Werk goedgekeurd door de Kamer

De Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers heeft op 23 februari 2017 het wetsontwerp Werkbaar en Wendbaar Werk aangenomen. Het merendeel van de bepalin…

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New Crowdfunding Rules

The Law of 18 December 2016 on crowdfunding (Wet tot regeling van de erkenning en de afbakening van crowdfunding en houdende diverse bepalingen inzake…

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The CJEU decides: it is lawful to exclude Turkish Agents from the Belgian Agency Act’s scope

In the context of a dispute between a Turkish agent and a Belgian principal, the Commercial Court of Ghent (Belgium) referred a request to the Co…

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EU must pay damages for excessively long court proceedings for first time

On 10 January 2017, the General Court (“GC”) issued a judgment in which it ordered the European Union to pay Gascogne and Gascogne Sack Deutschland (“…

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Commission sends letter of formal notice to 21 Member States for failing to transpose the EU Damages Directive…

The European Commission has sent a letter of formal notice to 21 Member States, including Spain, for failing to meet the December 2016 deadline to tra…

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Revealing the existence of a cartel can make a big difference: Johnson Controls avoids a EUR 38.5 million fine…

On 8 February 2017, the Commission adopted a cartel matter decision in the car battery recycling sector.

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General data retention obligation once again under legal crossfire

The difficult history behind the data retention legislation, i.e., Data Retention Directive 2006/24, at both European and national levels is quite kno…

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Collaborative economy: new legal framework enters into full force on 1 March 2017

On 1 July 2016, Belgium became one of the first European countries to pass legislation on the collaborative (or sharing) economy (Program Act of 1 Jul…

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Le projet de Loi Peeters (travail faisable et maniable) a été adopté à la Chambre – Quelle flexibilité ces mes…

Le 5 janvier 2017, le projet de loi concernant le travail faisable et maniable a été déposé à la Chambre. Ce projet a été adopté le 23 février. La plu…

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Arco Guarantee Found Incompatible with EU Law

On 21 December 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) delivered a judgment on the guarantee scheme granted by Belgium to three finan…

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GDPR – Obligations of data processors

This update aims to provide you with a practical overview of the most relevant changes resulting from the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a…

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Article 29 Working Party guidelines on data portability, data protection officers, and lead supervisory author…

The General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) will come into effect on 25 May 2018. It will have  significant impact on how companies handle th…

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Prohibition of Sales at a Loss: Supreme Court Ruling

On 16 September 2016, the Supreme Court held that the prohibition of sales at a loss as laid down in Article 101, §1 of the now repealed and replaced …

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Council agrees its position on hybrid mismatches with third countries

Following to the European Commission’s proposal on amendments to the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD) as part of the Corporate Tax P…

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