Actualités et articles

L'endroit idéal pour tout professionnel du droit ou de la fiscalité de s'informer de l'actualité du secteur juridique belge

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Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers legt nieuwe stukken in organisatorische puzzel met NXTGEN-2024

Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers zet een nieuwe stap voor duurzame groei met blijvende focus op de cliënt. Het kantoor verwelkomt immers twee nieuwe vennoten en een counsel, de NXTGEN-2024: …

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Liberius welcomes new EU Competition and Trade Law Partner in Brussels

Liberius is thrilled to announce the arrival of David Henry as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU, Competition & Trade Practice. David, a member of the Brussels Bar and a quali…

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Toestemming voor boekenonderzoek: geen vrijgeleide voor fiscale visitatie

In een arrest van 3 oktober 2024 heeft het Hof van Cassatie de krijtlijnen voor een fiscale visitatie verder afgebakend en daarbij nogmaals het belang van een geldige toestemming b…

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European Commission consultation on the revision of its Stat…

On 11 December 2024, the European Commission launched a public consultation…

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Class 23 insurance: Opportunity for non-resident insurers to…

On 7 November 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) hande…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

What could stop the on-line sales of illegal goods in times of COVID-19? Certainly not the ECJ decision in Ama…

In its decision of 2 April 2020 in the case C-567/18, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) held that Amazon is not legally liable in case of stora…

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Coronavirus crisis: the European Commission extends its State aid Temporary Framework to support the economy

The European Commission adopted on 19 March 2020 the adapted Temporary Framework to allow Member States to grant more generous aid over a longer perio…

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7 April 2020 update on the responses to COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis

The Flemish region foresees a compensation of EUR 3,000 for businesses that do not need to close but that can demonstrate that the turnover has decrea…

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Coronavirus crisis: Preliminary draft law on urgent tax measures approved

Following a proposal by the Minister of Finance, the Council of Ministers has approved a preliminary draft law containing various urgent tax measures …

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COVID-19: update of multi country overview of supportive measures

COVID-19 presents significant challenges to people and organisations around the globe and the disruption continues to evolve. To help you cut thr…

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CJEU renders important decision on the liability of online platforms in trade mark infringement cases

On 2 April 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) rendered a judgment (C-567/18) clarifying the potential liability of Amazon and o…

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COVID-19: The European Commission clarifies passenger rights

In light of the exceptional situation following the developing COVID-19 epidemic, the European Commission adopted on 18 March 2020 its interpreta…

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Coronavirus: crisis tax exemption for depreciations on trade receivables

The Belgian Ministry of Finance has issued a Circular (Circ. 2020/C/45 of 23 March 2020) offering an additional support measure to professional taxpay…

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Mesures fiscales prises dans le cadre de la propagation du Covid-19

Le cabinet TETRA Law a répertorié l'ensemble des mesures fiscales prises en Belgique dans le cadre de la propagation du Covid-19

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Corona crisis: tax exemption for depreciations on trade receivables.

The Belgian Ministry of Finance has issued specific instructions (Circular Letter 2020/C/45 of March 23, 2020 – the “Circular”) in order to support pr…

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State Aid: Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the economy in the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) out…

On 19 March 2020, the Commission issued a Temporary Framework to enable EU Member States to provide aid in order to support the economy within the fra…

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Belgian tax measures

As from 18 March 2020, the Belgian government published various tax measures in order to deal with the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis.  H…

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Coronavirus - Mesures fiscales de soutien supplémentaires

La crise de coronavirus a des conséquences économiques de grande envergure. C'est pourquoi le gouvernement belge a décidé de proposer aux entreprises …

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Coronavirus crisis: the European Commission adopts its State aid Temporary Framework to support the economy

Executive Vice-President Vestager had announced on 17 March 2020 a public consultation on the European Commission’s draft proposal for a State aid Tem…

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Coronavirus raises various tax questions in Belgium

The rapid spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) leads to far-reaching measures at home and abroad. These measures may have (sometimes unexpected) tax …

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Flash - Coronavirus : le service des décisions anticipées adapte ses règles de fonctionnement

Le Service des décisions anticipées a publié cet après-midi une courte note sur son site internet aux fins d’informer les contribuables des aménagemen…

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Intervention de l'employeur pour les frais liés au travail à domicile dans le cadre des mesures contre le coro…

Le Service des Décisions Anticipées a publié ce mercredi 18 mars un formulaire de demande spécifique en matière de remboursement de frais propres à l’…

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Coronavirus crisis: the European Commission presents its draft State aid Temporary Framework to support the ec…

Executive Vice-President Vestager has announced on 17 March 2020 a public consultation on the European Commission’s draft proposal for a State aid Tem…

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L'Union européenne fait un pas en avant pour renforcer la protection des lanceurs d'alerte

Récemment, des scandales financiers ou environnementaux ont été dévoilés par des lanceurs d'alerte, qui ont dénoncé des actes qu'ils avaient constatés…

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The European Commission unveils its strategy for Europe’s Digital Future, the use of Artificial Intelligence a…

As digital technologies are profoundly transforming our world, the European Commission has set out a strategy to best meet the risks and challenges ah…

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