Nieuws & Publicaties

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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ebl-redsky logo
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New counsel at ebl-redsky

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel.

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Affluo logo
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Affluo breidt uit met een nieuwe partner en vestiging in Hasselt

Met veel enthousiasme verwelkomde Affluo op 1 september een nieuwe partner. Erwin Jennen is een ervaren advocaat en tevens erkend bemiddelaar in het ondernemingsrecht met een bijzo…

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Simont Braun logo
Updated guidelines on Belgian FDI Screening

The Cooperation Agreement of 30 November 2022 establishing a foreign direct…

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Recent changes to the Belgian Code of Companies and Associat…

The “Law of 27 March 2024 on the digitisation of justice and miscellaneous …

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Nieuw juridisch kader brengt Proximus en bpost stap dichter bij privatisering

Op 3 december 2015 heeft de Kamer in plenaire zitting het wetsontwerp "tot wijziging van de wet van 21 maart 1991 betreffende de hervorming van sommig…

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Proposal for a New Regulation Repealing the Prospectus Directive

On 30 November 2015, the European Commission published a proposal to replace the existing Prospectus Directive (Directive 2003/71/EC) with a regulatio…

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Transposition de la Directive comptable en droit belge – Modifications du Code des sociétés

Le 10 novembre 2015, le gouvernement a soumis à l’approbation de la Chambre un projet de loi1 visant à transposer partiellement en droit belge la Dire…

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Belgium adopts law against vulture funds

The Belgian Law tackling vulture funds activities (1) (the “Vulture Funds Act”) was published in the Belgian Official Journal on 11 September 2015.

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Tijdsbeperkingen in aandeelhoudersovereenkomsten inzake een NV

Een aantal bepalingen in een aandeelhoudersovereenkomst zijn aan strikte wettelijke voorwaarden onderworpen, naast uiteraard de voorwaarden die gelden…

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Moderating an invalid non-competition clause: the Supreme Court’s recent case law

On 23 January 2015, the Supreme Court delivered a judgment concerning the moderation of an invalid non-competition clause in a business transfer agree…

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The Accounting Directive’s transposition: the impact on Belgian corporate law

Although the deadline to transpose the Accounting Directive 2013/34/EU into Belgian law elapsed on 20 July 2015, the Belgian legislator failed to tran…

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Act introducing measures to restrict vulture fund activities

On 11 September the Belgian Act that introduces certain measures to restrict the activities of vulture funds (the “Act”) was published in the Belgian …

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Qualification of a contract as an insurance contract: the position of the FSMA

The FSMA, whose responsibilities include supervision of the insurance sector, recently reiterated the essential elements of an insurance contract. An …

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New circular letter confirms income tax neutrality of AIFM Law

The Belgian tax administration has just published a new circular letter pertaining to the income tax treatment of investment companies. The circular l…

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Dissolution of companies, public order and abuse of rights

Two recent judgments of the Belgian Supreme Court contain important clarifications concerning the mechanism of the dissolution of companies with insuf…

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Belgian Listed Companies Dashboard - issue n°2

This is the second issue of our dashboard for Belgian listed companies, which covers the first half of 2015. NautaDutilh is pleased to provide Belgian…

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Belgian laws on Consumer Credit and Residential Mortgage Credit – recent changes

In recent years, the Belgian Parliament has codified substantial parts of Belgian economic legislation into a new Code of Economic Law. This …

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Tenants in distress

Belgian Insolvency law mainly consists of two separate regimes: bankruptcy (Belgian Bankruptcy Act of 8 August 1997) and judicial reorganisation (Belg…

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The Securities Litigation Review

The sources of Belgian securities law are relatively widespread. These sources include several federal acts and royal decrees, as well as specific reg…

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New Royal Decree related to the obligation to declare foreign bank accounts

A Royal Decree of 3 April 2015 (published on 13 April) lays down the rules for taxpayers that are required to declare foreign bank accounts in their i…

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Recast insolvency regulation adopted: new rules on cross-border insolvencies in Europe

On 20 May 2015, after a three-year legislative process, a recast version of the European Insolvency Regulation (EIR) was adopted. For the most part, i…

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Trade controls and M&A: how to preserve the value of your transaction?

The substantial risk associated with the expansion and enhanced enforcement of trade controls has a direct impact on due diligence in cross-border M&a…

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Waste-sorting obligation for Walloon enterprises

On 5 March 2015, the Walloon Government adopted an Executive Act (published in the Belgian Gazette on 16 March 2015), which obliges enterprises to sor…

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Financiële bijstand - de facto nog steeds verboden?

Het verlenen van financiële bijstand (in het kader van de overname van een onderneming) is in principe toegelaten sinds 2009, maar de concrete toepass…

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