PwC Legal Luxembourg

PwC Legal is a highly reputable top-tier firm based in Luxembourg. We provide high quality legal solutions to major international and domestic clients and combine our tailored expertise with a truly global and cross-competent approach. When combined with our network geographic reach with more than 3,700 legal professionals across more than 95 territories, our integrated legal service offering is highly differentiated in the market.

Our team is widely recognized for its strong experience and business-oriented approach, its team spirit and strong core values.



  • Luxembourg (pays)
  • Droit commercial et contrats
  • Droit des sociétés
  • Droit civil
  • Droit fiscal
  • Droit public et administratif
  • Droit de l'immobilier
  • Litiges et arbitrage/médiation
  • Droit financier et bancaire
  • Propriété intéllectuelle
  • Régulation financière
  • Protection des données et de la vie privée
  • Fonds d'investissement
  • Employee benefits & pensions
  • Technologie, média et télécommunications
  • Droit européen
  • M&A / Private equity
  • Droit de la concurrence
  • Droit du travail et sécurité sociale
  • Autre matière
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Part II: The Listing Act - Key Updates to MAR

On 8 October 2024, the European Council adopted the Listing Act, a significant legislative package designed to make EU capital markets more attractive…

Part I: The Listing Act - Key Updates to the Prospectus Regulation

On 8 October 2024, the European Council adopted the Listing Act, a significant legislative package designed to make EU capital markets more attractive…

New Luxembourg law on transparent and predictable working conditions: What does it mean for you ?

The law dated 24 July 2024 amending among others the Labour Code and implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1152 of the European Parliament and of the Counc…