Actualités et articles

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Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers legt nieuwe stukken in organisatorische puzzel met NXTGEN-2024

Tuerlinckx Tax Lawyers zet een nieuwe stap voor duurzame groei met blijvende focus op de cliënt. Het kantoor verwelkomt immers twee nieuwe vennoten en een counsel, de NXTGEN-2024: …

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Liberius welcomes new EU Competition and Trade Law Partner in Brussels

Liberius is thrilled to announce the arrival of David Henry as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU, Competition & Trade Practice. David, a member of the Brussels Bar and a quali…

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Toestemming voor boekenonderzoek: geen vrijgeleide voor fiscale visitatie

In een arrest van 3 oktober 2024 heeft het Hof van Cassatie de krijtlijnen voor een fiscale visitatie verder afgebakend en daarbij nogmaals het belang van een geldige toestemming b…

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EY Law logo
Reforming the public procurement regulatory framework?

Ten years after the introduction of the public procurement directives, Euro…

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European Commission consultation on the revision of its Stat…

On 11 December 2024, the European Commission launched a public consultation…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

European Parliament Adopts Directive to Facilitate Damages Claims for Antitrust Violations

On 17 April 2014, the European Parliament adopted a directive intended to strengthen the private enforcement of competition law by removing a number o…

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De rol van de buitenlandse notaris bij successieplanning is nog niet uitgespeeld

Recentelijk bezorgde de fiscale administratie de gespecialiseerde estate planners, maar ook alle vooruitziende belastingplichtige geïnteresseerden, on…

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Belgium and US sign FATCA Intergovernmental Agreement

On 23 April 2014, the Belgian and US governments signed an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) intended to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance …

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Les conditions d'obtention des certificats complémentaires de protection précisées par la Cour de Justice Euro…

Le 12 décembre dernier, la Cour de Justice Européenne a rendu trois arrêts visant à interpréter les conditions d'obtention d'un certificat complémenta…

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General Court dismisses Faci's appeal in heat stabilizers cartel

On 20 March 2013, the General Court ("GC") handed down its judgment in Case T-46/10 Faci v Commission concerning an appeal in the heat stabilizers car…

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General Court ruled that the Commission should allow partial access to documents on inability to pay

On 20 March 2013 the General Court ("GC") handed down its judgment in Case T-181/10 Reagens v Commission. Reagens appealed the Commission's decision t…

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The General Court confirmed the Commission's powers of investigation in the cement cartel decisions to request…

On 14 March 2014, the General Court ("GC") handed down several appeal judgments on the Commission decisions to request information in the cement carte…

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Commission adopts new block exemption regulation and guidelines on technology transfer agreements

On 21 March 2014, the Commission adopted a new technology transfer block exemption regulation ("TTBER") and accompanying guidelines ("TT Guidelines").…

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New Draft Directive on actions for antitrust damages is set for formal approval

On 26 March 2014, the Committee of Permanent Representatives endorsed an agreement between the Presidency of the Competitiveness Council and European …

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Reporting obligation of foreign legal structures - Publication of list of targeted foreign foundations and com…

In July 2013 a legal obligation was introduced for founders and beneficiaries to report foreign legal structures in their respective annual income tax…

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La réforme des sûretés mobilières

Un nouveau régime gouvernant les sûretés mobilières, basé sur un système d’enregistrement (et générant le paiement de taxes), entrera en vigueur dans …

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Tax on Savings Income Revisited

In a country where 15% of all income earned by families in 2013 was transferred to savings accounts ("Regulated Savings Accounts"), the tax rules appl…

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L'arrêt Blomqvist v. Rolex de la CJUE: Intervention des autorités douanières européennes à l'égard de marchand…

La Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne s'est récemment penchée sur la question de savoir si l'intervention des autorités douanières européennes sur …

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Aides d’État et infrastructures sportives

La Commission européenne autorise les aides françaises à la construction et à la rénovation de stades en prévision de l'UEFA EURO 2016.

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Supplementary protection certificates - Opinion of Advocate General Jääskinen in case C-11/13 Bayer CropScienc…

On 13 February 2014, Advocate General Jääskinen delivered his Opinion in case C-11/13, Bayer CropScience, referred for a preliminary ruling by the Fed…

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Advocate General advised European Court of Justice to allow umbrella claims

In the case Kone and others before the European Court of Justice following a preliminary reference by the Austrian Supreme Court, Advocate General Kok…

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The General Court dismissed appeals in the heat stabilizers cartel

On 6 February 2014, the General Court ("GC") dismissed the appeals brought in the heat stabilizers cartel by AC-Treuhand AG, Arkema France and CECA SA…

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Retards de paiement envers l’administration fiscale – attention danger pour les dirigeants !

Un cas récent nous permet de vous rappeler que depuis 2006, l’administration fiscale dispose d’une arme redoutable à l’encontre de dirigeants de socié…

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The Court of Justice allows the Commission to rely on general presumptions in refusing access to cartel files

On 27 February 2014, the Court of Justice ruled in Case C-365/12P (Commission v. EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG and Others) that the Commission is …

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EU Parliament finally adopts BPR amendments

On 25 February 2014 the European Parliament adopted the long awaited legislation to amend the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR).

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