Actualités et articles

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CMS has welcomed a new partner in its corporate and M&A practice in Brussels

CMS is pleased to announce that Philippe Hendrickx will join the Firm as a Partner as of 1 October 2024. Philippe specialises in corporate law, in particular mergers and acquisitio…

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Monard Law logo
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Monard strengthens its Insolvency and Restructuring team

Monard law welcomes a new member to its Insolvency and Restructuring team. Jente Dengler has joined the firm as of October 1, 2024.

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Changement important concernant l’assujettissement à la loi anti-blanchiment des avocats qui ex…

Le Bâtonnier de l’Ordre néerlandais du Barreau de Bruxelles a récemment interrogé la CTIF sur l’éventuel assujettissement d’un avocat qui agit, pour une personne protégée, via un m…

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Andersen  logo
Bientôt, vous serez personnellement responsable en tant qu’a…

Comme indiqué dans la première partie de notre série d'articles sur l'aboli…

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Private Equity Side Letters – Harmless Paper or Silent Power…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

Corporate Governance et durabilité - tendances et développements

In ons land voorziet De Corporate Governance Code in bindende regels voor het bestuur van beursgenoteerde vennootschappen. Hiermee wenst men de transp…

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Global rise of Buy Now Pay Later: state of play in Belgium

Deferred payment methods, often called “Buy Now Pay Later (“BNPL”) solutions”, allow customers to acquire goods immediately while spreading the paymen…

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The ELTIF: amendments in the Belgian AIFM Law

On 19 April 2021, a draft law on diverse financial provisions (the “Draft Law”) was published. The Draft Law was adopted by the Parliament at the end …

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SPACs or Special Purpose Acquisition Companies - a Belgian perspective

In recent years, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies or “SPACs” have gained tremendous popularity in the United States. In 2020 alone, one hundred S…

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The Plessers saga has come to an end – Is this a breakthrough in the reform of the reorganisation procedure?

The reorganisation procedure aims to provide an opportunity for undertakings facing financial difficulties to continue their business and activities a…

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Les pièces justificatives de l'UBO à fournir pour le 31 août 2021

Pour le 30 avril 2021 au plus tard, chaque entité redevable devrait confirmer ses données dans le registre UBO. Dorénavant, des pièces justificatives …

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CSSF circular on governance and security requirements for teleworking

On 9 April 2021, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the « CSSF »), the Luxembourg financial supervisory authorit…

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It's the Data...

Data, data everywhere. All types: personal and non-personal. They are all invaluable. Corporations produce them and receive them. So does the potentia…

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EU Recovery Prospectus: temporary fast-track to boost listed companies' COVID-19 recovery

In addressing the severe economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European legislator amended the existing Prospectus Regulation and introduced t…

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New support measures for enterprises in difficulty: highlights from the Law of 21 March 2021

In the COVID-19 context and in light of the moratorium on bankruptcies ending on 31 January 2021, a new law has been adopted to further support enterp…

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How to comply with the Belgian regulator’s requirements in the context of SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure…

In connection with the entry into force on 10 March 2021 of the European regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial s…

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Une solution pour les entreprises en difficulté

Réclamé depuis plusieurs mois par les praticiens, le législateur vient finalement de modifier le Code de droit Economique afin de compléter l’arsenal …

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Good things are worth waiting for: new law amendments in force for companies in difficulty

The long-awaited new law amending Book XX of the Code of Economic Law and the Income Tax Code 1992 just came into force. This replaces the "COVID-mora…

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Criminal liability of directors – the blind spot

In addition to the specific criminal liability that directors incur for certain acts that they themselves commit in this capacity, they are increasing…

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Q&A – Brexit impact on financial services in Belgium

As of 1 January 2021, UK regulated entities are no longer allowed to make use of the European Union (EU) passport mechanism which allowed them to offe…

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Obligation d'information sur les UBO : confirmation annuelle requise avant le 30 avril 2021

La législation UBO impose l'obligation de mettre à jour annuellement les informations reprises dans le registre UBO

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Retaining Key Talent on the Heels of a Deal

Having strong, talented performers certainly gives any company a competitive advantage. Because they are key and valuable to a company, retaining them…

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New measures to encourage (silent) restructuring

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on the global economy, as businesses worldwide face liquidity problems and related insolv…

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La loi B2B et le droit des sociétés

Contrairement aux services financiers et aux marchés publics, le droit des sociétés, et en particulier les contrats d'entreprise, ne sont pas explicit…

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COVID-19: Payment suspension scheme for borrowers extended further in time

End of March 2020, the Minister of Finance and the Belgian financial sector, through the Belgian financial sector federation (Febelfin) and in close c…

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