
Soon a European system of origin labelling for goods from third countries?

There is no harmonised EU legislation on origin-marking, nor is there a general obligation to indicate a product's origin in the interest of the consumer protection, although certain sector-specific requirements apply (e.g. in relation to foodstuff).

Where they exist, Member State rules on the voluntary use of origin marks differ.

On 29 September 2010, the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade approved a proposal for an EU-wide system of origin labelling for goods imported from third countries.

The proposed regulation would affect specific categories of goods such as imported shoes, clothes, leather, furniture, ceramics and high-tech steel products.

It aims to ensure that consumers are correctly informed of a product's origin and adequately protected against possible health risks, counterfeiting and unfair competition.

The committee has also advocated the introduction of harmonised penalties for breaches of the rules.

On 21 October 2010, the European Parliament adopted a legislative resolution on the proposal. The Council has not yet adopted its position.

We will be monitoring progress achieved in relation to this legislative proposal.
