
No confusion between “F1” and “F1 Live”

NautaDutilh recently scored an important victory before the General Court of the European Union in Luxembourg.

Tanguy de Haan represented the applicant for the “F1 Live” Community trade mark for goods and services related to Formula 1.

Formula One Licensing BV claimed a reputation for the organisation of motor races and started opposition proceedings on the basis of various “F1” word marks, as well as the “F1 Formula 1” logo-type trade mark.

In a judgment of 17 February 2011, the General Court dismissed the objection entirely and ruled that the public considers the abbreviation “F1” to be descriptive. Consequently, Formula One Licensing BV cannot block the registration of a Community trade mark containing the words “F1 Live”.

Click here for the General Court’s official press release.

The judgment is available in the 22 official languages of the European Union. Click here to select your preferred language.
