
OSSO and NSSO Merger

The OSSO and the NSSO will merge on 1 January 2017, as a result of the 6th state reform. The merger however will not affect the OSSO's existing insurances.

OSSO insurances remain unchanged

First and foremost, it should be stressed that at this stage and contrary to earlier Government announcements, OSSO1 (DIBISS/ORPSS, formerly DOSZ/OSSOM) insurances will not be reformed. The planned reforms will in fact be restricted to additional institutional changes, with the OSSO’s insurances remaining unchanged.

This institutional reform will proceed with the OSSO’s integration within the NSSO2 (RSZ/ONSS).

OSSO/NSSO Merger: context and objective

A merger between the OSSO and the NSSO is planned to take place on 1 January 2017 further to the regionalisation and rationalisation of the social security landscape as introduced by the 6th state reform.

In light of that reform, the Belgian Social Security Institutions and social partners were asked to provide possible scenarios for a revision of the social security system’s administrative organisation by means of a feasibility study. With the agreement in principle regarding the OSSO - NSSO merger, they have provided the first tangible measures implementing the proposed reform of social security’s administrative organisation.

The merger’s main objective is the integration of the collection and management of social security contributions and the embedding of specific projects. The new body will benefit from the complementary expertise and experience demonstrated by the institutions concerned. Furthermore, the merger should lead to synergies, economies and a stronger organisation. Efficiency, effectiveness and quality of service also remain key objectives.

Laga’s view

Employers should note that the planned reforms are strictly institutional, thus excluding any modification to the OSSO’s insurances. This may eliminate any doubts to affiliate employees to the beneficial Belgian voluntary scheme.

A closer cooperation resulting from the merger will lead to a more effective functioning for social security’s administration. As both the OSSO and NSSO are known for effective and client-focused administration, a merger should improve the public service’s quality.

In addition, such a cooperation will also result in the NSSO’s increased vigilance towards OSSO-files. Due to the OSSO’s integration into the NSSO, the latter will in any case have a better overview and will therefore be able to verify more easily whether existing OSSO-affiliations are correct or not.

in collaboration with Aline Vanneste and Elina Peetermans


1 The Overseas Social Security Office manages a voluntary scheme of social protection for anyone who is a citizen of a Member State of the EEA/Switzerland and who works outside of the EEA/Switzerland. The system mainly comprises insurances for pension, sickness and invalidity, medical care, accidents at work and accidents in private life.

2 National Social Security Office, i.e. the Belgian Social Security Institution for the Employees’ Scheme.
