
New Legislation regarding Psychosocial Risks at Work

A new regulatory framework governing the prevention of psychosocial risks at work will come into force on 1 September 2014. It consists of the following legal instruments:

  • Law of 28 February 2014 completing the Law of 4 August 1996 regarding the well-being of employees in the performance of their work, as regards the prevention of psychosocial risks at work, including violence, harassment and sexual harassment at work (Wet van 28 februari 2014 tot aanvulling van de wet van 4 augustus 1996 betreffende het welzijn van de werknemers bij de uitvoering van hun werk wat de preventie van psychosociale risico’s op het werk betreft, waaronder inzonderheid geweld, pesterijen en ongewenst seksueel gedrag op het werk; Loi du 28 février 2014 complétant la loi du 4 août 1996 relative au bien-être des travailleurs lors de l’exécution de leur travail quant à la prévention des risques psychosociaux au travail dont, notamment, la violence et le harcèlement moral ou sexuel au travail)
  • Law of 28 March 2014 modifying the Judicial Code and the Law of 4 August 1996 regarding the well-being of employees in the performance of their work, as regards the judicial procedures (Wet van 28 maart 2014 tot wijziging van het Gerechtelijk Wetboek en de wet van 4 augustus 1996 betreffende het welzijn van de werknemers bij de uitvoering van hun werk wat de gerechtelijke procedures betreft; Loi du 28 mars 2014 modifiant le code judiciaire et la loi du 4 août 1996 relative au bien-être des travailleurs lors de l’exécution de leur travail en ce qui concerne les procédures judiciaires).
  • Royal Decree of 10 April 2014 regarding the prevention of psychosocial risks at work (Koninklijk Besluit van 10 april 2014 betreffende de preventie van psychosociale risico’s op het werk; Arrêté royal du 10 avril 2014 relatif à la prévention des risques psychosociaux au travail).

The new regulatory framework broadens the scope of the current rules. Instead of being limited to violence, harassment and sexual harassment at work, it now covers all psychosocial risks that could lead to stress, burn-out, etc.

The new rules also clarify the role of the employers, the hierarchy, the committee for prevention and protection on the work floor, the person of trust and the prevention advisor and they detail how information should be exchanged between these parties.

The existing procedures were modified on several points. For example, the term “complaint” will be changed to “request”; the definition of harassment is broadened; the prevention advisor can refuse requests if they are clearly not based on violence, harassment or sexual harassment at work; the prevention advisor can take protective measures if circumstances require this; and the information given by the employer to the employees and committee for prevention and protection on the work floor is broadened.

As of 1 September 2014 all employers have 6 months to modify their work rules and include at least the contact details of the prevention advisor “psychosocial aspects” or the service for prevention and protection on the work floor. Moreover, the contact details of the person of trust must be included, together with the prevention measures that will be applied to deal with psychosocial risks at work. The new rules modified Article 14 of the Law regarding the implementation of work rules. As a result, the specific procedure regarding the modification of the work rules must not be followed.

Finally, as of 1 January 2015 the annual report of the internal service for prevention and protection on the work floor should be adapted in order to comply with the new legislation.

Non-compliance with this new legislation is punishable by a “sanction level 2” (criminal fines between 300 to 3,000 EUR per employee or by an administrative fine of between 150 EUR and 1,500 EUR per employee).
