News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Loyens & Loeff's Future Lawyer Day - 16 October 2024

Loyens & Loeff is organizing the annual ‘Future Lawyer Day’ for Master of Law and LL.M students on Wednesday, 16 October 2024!

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Nieuwe regels voor plaatsvervangende rechters: voorrecht van rechtsmacht vervalt

De Digitaliseringswet II heft vanaf 28 november 2024 het voorrecht van rechtsmacht op voor plaatsvervangende rechters, rechters in ondernemingszaken en lekenrechters.

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New hire for Taylor Wessing's Benelux Disputes & Investigations team

Siedse Willems has joined Taylor Wessing as a Senior Associate in the Benelux Disputes & Investigations team. Siedse, who has been a lawyer since 2017, brings a wealth of exper…

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Revolutionizing Due Diligence - The EU Directive’s Impact on…

After a two-year journey since the EU Commission’s initial proposal in Febr…

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Occupational pension plans – Increase in the AOP return guar…

It has been a long time coming, but last week the FSMA officially announced…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Peut-on se faire redresser par le fisc alors que l’on n’est pas partie à toutes les étapes d’une opération abu…

La Cour de cassation est récemment venue préciser qu’un contribuable peut subir un redressement sur le fondement de la mesure générale anti-abus, même…

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Flemish soil decree: some relevant changes

In the Flemish Region soil pollution matters are covered by the Soil Decree of 27 October 2006. With two Decrees both dated 17 May 2024, the Flemish l…

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The MiCa Regulation explained: What has changed since June 2024?

On 30 June of this year, the first set of measures of the MiCa Regulation (“Markets in Crypto-Assets”) came into force. This Regulation introduces a h…

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The Rise of Synthetic W&I Insurance – A Gamechanger in a Challenging Market?

Challenging market conditions can cause sellers to be reluctant or unable to provide a comprehensive package of warranties. Coupled with the urgency t…

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Rechtbank kan nu ambtshalve verjaring opwerpen ten gunste van consument

De bevrijdende verjaring is een verweermiddel dat een schuldenaar kan opwerpen tegen een schuldeiser die te lang heeft stilgezeten. Elke schuldeiser m…

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E-invoices in Belgium : 1st January 2026 it is !

E-invoices have been getting a lot of attention in recent months. This European initiative, which aims to make the use of e-invoices compulsory in B2B…

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Deepfakes in the music industry: Will the AI Act change the tune?

The emergence of deepfake technology, particularly within the music industry, has sparked significant debate and concern. Deepfakes, which are synthet…

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The New EU Electricity Market Design: The Main Measures for Distribution System Operators and Electricity Supp…

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The Belgian Competition Authority sanctions bid-rigging in the fire protection sector

On 8 July 2024, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) announced it had adopted a decision sanctioning bid-rigging in the fire protection sector. B…

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Hacking NIS2: 5 innovations about the sequel to the EU’s cybersecurity framework

NIS2 (the second “Network and Information Systems Directive”) is an updated regulatory framework introduced by the European Union to strengthen cybers…

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Preparing for the EU’s New Approach to Critical Medicines and Medicine Shortages: A New ‘Critical Medicines Ac…

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The Mc Donald’s Case | Even major brands must prove trade mark use

McDonald’s has lost its EU trade mark ‘Big Mac’ for chicken sandwiches and poultry products in classes 29 and 30 and related restaurant services in cl…

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Various changes concerning urban development in the Flanders Region

The Flemish Parliament adopted on 17 May 2024 two decrees that serve the further modernisation of Flemish Region urban development legislation: (i) th…

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The New EU Electricity Market Design: The Main Measures for Traders, Electricity Producers and Transmission Sy…

On 13 June 2024, Regulation 2024/1747 and Directive 2024/1711 of the European Parliament and Council were officially adopted. The main purpose of thes…

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Belgium ends merger control in the hospital sector

Following a long arm wrestling with the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA), the Belgian legislator adopted on 28 March 2024 a law, which finally excl…

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L’introduction d’un pourvoi en cassation complémentaire pour violation d’une disposition légale rétroactive

La loi du 19 décembre 2023 portant dispositions diverses en matière civile et judiciaire a introduit un nouvel article 1094/2 dans le Code judiciaire …

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The European Commission approves restructuring State aid of €1.3 billion in favour of SAS

In October 2020, the European Commission approved a recapitalisation measure of approximately €833 million, notified by Sweden and Denmark, in favour …

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Central Register of Director Bans

With the law of 4 May 2023, which entered into force on 1 August 2023 (the “Law”), the Belgian legislator provided a legal framework for the creation …

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Kan een ontbinding van de pachtovereenkomst gevraagd worden indien de pachter of verpachter zijn verplichtinge…

Indien een van de partijen zijn verplichtingen niet nakomt, kan de ontbinding van een pachtovereenkomst gevraagd worden. In dit artikel gaan we na in…

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The General Court of the EU annuls the Commission decision on restructuring aid to Condor

On 8 May 2024, the General Court of the EU annulled the Commission decision of 26 July 2021 approving restructuring aid to German airline Condor follo…

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