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The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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L’Etat de droit. Encore et toujours - Le mot du Président d'AVOCATS.BE

Je voudrais faire écho au beau discours de Me Audrey Lackner lors de la séance solennelle de rentrée du barreau de Bruxelles français le 19 janvier 2024. Derrière son intitulé « Au…

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AKD strengthens its energy practice in Brussels

AKD has recruited a leading energy team to strengthen its energy practice. Hiring this team, consisting of partner Thomas Chellingsworth, counsel Christine Delagaye and associate L…

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Transparantie en publiciteit bij publieke vastgoedtransactie…

Op 1 juni 2024 trad het Vlaams decreet van 8 maart 2024 betreffende het ver…

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Brussels Court of Appeal Prohibits the Rebranding of a Gener…

The Judgment of the Brussels Court of Appeal is the latest development in t…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Government governance for the Flemish public sector

On 22 November 2013, the Flemish government announced a decree regarding public governance in the Flemish public sector. Almost 10 years after the cor…

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Stedenbouw 2.0 in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

Op 21 december 2013 traden twee besluiten van de Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Regering in werking, met name het Besluit van 2 mei 2013 tot goedkeuring va…

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On October 22, 2013 the Council of State has rendered two judgments that are highly relevant for local PPP projects (nr. 225.191 and 225.192).

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The sixth reform of the Belgian state : what will change for the energy sector ?

The sixth reform of the Belgian State has been recently voted in the federal parliament. This reform includes the modification of the Special Act and,…

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Court of Justice dismisses Gas Insulated Switchgear appeals

On 19 December 2013, the Court of Justice of the European Union handed down the judgment in joined cases C-239/11 P, C-489/11 P, C-498/11 P (Siemens v…

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Energy performance certificate: Postponement until 1 January 2017

The Brussels government decided to postpone the entry into force of the obligation to establish an energy performance certificate for tertiary units. …

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The Unique Surroundings Permit, a reality soon

The entrepreneurial world and entrepreneurs’ organisations have been pleading for smoother and faster procedures for investment projects for years.

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First public consultation on a biocidal active substance launched

The first public consultation under the Biocidal Products Regulation will be on the active substance dinotefuran as a potential candidate for substitu…

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The Court of Justice rules that the duty of sincere cooperation precludes a municipality from relying on a con…

On 7 November 2013, the Court of Justice handed down its judgment in UPC Nederland BV v. Gemeente Hilversum (C-518/11). The case concerned a reference…

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By means of Regulation no. 1336/2013 the European Commission has, on 13 December 2013 determined the new thresholds for European notification. These w…

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Les marchés publics de produits de santé – à quel prix ?

Les établissements de soins sont, on s’en doute, de gros consommateurs de produits de santé et, singulièrement, de médicaments. Il va de soi qu’en bon…

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Public procurement in hospitals, nothing new?

The introduction of the new procurement regulation on 1 July 2013 raises lots of questions with regard to hospitals, including the one – often taken f…

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Gesubsidieerde particuliere bouwwerken onderworpen aan de regelgeving inzake overheidsopdrachten : het Hof van…

Gesubsidieerde werken en verbonden diensten kunnen overheidsopdrachten zijn, ook al is de opdrachtgever geen aanbestedende overheid

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Issue of building permits : new rules from the 1 September 2013

On 1 September 2013, the regional public servant became the main competent authority in Brussels for issuing building permits.

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L'article 52, §2 de l'arrêté royal du 15 juillet 2011 sur la passation des marchés publics dans les secteurs classiques établit que chaque offre doit …

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Aannemer en architect niet langer hoofdelijk verbonden door gezamenlijke, in combinatie ingediende offerte i.k…

Artikel 52, §2 van het Koninklijk Besluit Plaatsing overheidsopdrachten klassieke sectoren van 15 juli 2011 schrijft voor dat elke offerte schriftelij…

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Why the SNCB is changing its general conditions of carriage: force majeure in the rail and aviation sectors

The SNCB has announced today that they will change their general conditions of carriage so as to provide that passengers will receive compensation in …

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Sustainability becomes more and more important when it comes to subsidizing business parks

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New decree on immovable heritage sites

The Flemish Government introduced the new decree on immovable heritage sites (1) to address this subject’s scattered legal landscape. Going forward, t…

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Filière solaire photovoltaïque d'une puissance supérieure à 10KW en région wallonne : réforme de la durée d'oc…

A partir du 7 novembre 2013, la période d'octroi des certificats verts relatifs aux installations solaires photovoltaïques de plus de 10 kW sera lim…

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