Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

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ALTIUS strengthens its Employment Law team

ALTIUS is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Tronckoe as Counsel in its Employment Law department. With more than 30 years of experience at leading law firms, Steve bring…

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The Belgian Coalition Agreement 2025-2029

What to expect for your business in the next five years?

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Simont Braun logo
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Simont Braun welcomes Alexis Ceuterick as partner, strengthening expertise in People Law

Simont Braun is pleased to announce the appointment of Alexis Ceuterick as a partner, reinforcing the firm’s commitment to delivering innovative legal solutions tailored to clients…

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Strelia logo
CJEU Ruling on Working Time Registration: Implications for B…

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a significant ruli…

BELLAW - Van Eeckhoutte, Taquet & Clesse logo
Voortdurende vragen over voortgezette misdrijven

In een arrest van 17 januari 2025 overweegt het Hof van Cassatie van 17 jan…

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Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

The Impact of AI on the Workplace: Regulations, Responsibilities, and Compliance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping workplace dynamics, optimizing processes, and redefining the employer-employee relationship. However, its in…

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Schadevergoeding in geval van ontslag Data Protection Officer

Een ziekenhuis besloot om over te gaan tot het ontslag van een werknemer die de functies van Chief Information Security Officer en Data Protection Off…

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Ouderschapsverlof en beëindiging van de arbeidsovereenkomst: enkele aandachtspunten

Bij beëindiging van de arbeidsovereenkomst tijdens een periode van ouderschapsverlof ontstaat wel eens discussie over de begroting van vergoedingen ty…

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Tackling Social Dumping and Fraud Prevention in Belgium

Social dumping and fraud pose significant challenges to Belgium's labor market, particularly in the exploitation of third-country nationals. These pra…

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New Belgian Government To Make Significant Changes To Belgian Labor and Employment Law

After months of negotiations, Belgium’s new federal government has reached an agreement introducing significant changes to labor law, employment flexi…

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The Evolving Role of the Works Council in Sustainability Reporting

In line with Europe’s push for greater corporate transparency on social and environmental impact, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CS…

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The long-awaited Coalition Agreement at a glance: what HR measures will employers face? | part 1: salary (cost…

After months of negotiations, the Arizona parties forming the new government reached a Coalition Agreement on 31 January 2025. This Coalition Agreemen…

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Coalition agreement and HR: what you need to know at the moment

The new government made its government statement in the parliament on Tuesday 4 February. The political coalition agreement contains many measures tha…

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Private Investigations Act: New Limits on Workplace Investigations

Private investigations have become an increasingly valuable tool for employers seeking to assess employee behavior and misconduct, detect fraud, or ju…

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Arizona coalition agreement: implications for working time

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CAO 32bis versterkt: nieuwe verplichtingen inzake informatie en consultatie van werknemers bij overgang van on…

De collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst (CAO) nr. 32/8 (tot wijziging van CAO nr. 32bis van 7 juni 1985), die op 17 december 2024 door de Nationale Arbeids…

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Including “affirmative action measures” in your diversity and inclusion policy: what employers need to know

Promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace has become a key objective for many companies. While working out such a policy, employers often wan…

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Companies will need to prepare for Belgium's new Private Investigation Act

The new Private Investigation Act has introduced significant changes to the scope of private investigations for companies in Belgium.

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Nieuwe verplichtingen voor de werkgever bij overgang van onderneming

Op 17 december 2024 heeft de Nationale Arbeidsraad een nieuw artikel 15/2 toegevoegd aan cao nr. 32bis. Met deze wijziging wensen de sociale partners …

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New information and consultation obligation for a transfer of undertaking

The employer and employee organisations in the National Labour Council have added a new chapter to the well-known CBA 32bis on the safeguarding of emp…

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Uitstel inwerkingtreding nieuwe regelgeving rond ketenaansprakelijkheid

De inwerkingtreding van de nieuwe Vlaamse regelgeving rond de zorgvuldigheidsplicht en ketenaansprakelijkheid die gepland stond op 1 januari 2025 word…

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New EU Directive Impacting Digital Platforms and Individuals Working for Them

On 23 October 2024, the European Parliament adopted Directive (EU) 2024/2831 (“the Directive”), aimed at improving conditions for individuals working …

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Belgium’s new Private Investigation Act: What employers need to know

The Belgian Private Investigation Act, which will replace the 1991 Act regulating private detective activities, introduces significant changes that em…

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Can employees who have not yet started their outplacement take a full day of job search leave starting from we…

An employee who is dismissed with a notice period or who performs a notice period after resigning is entitled to so-called “job search leave” (“sollic…

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Het Sociaal Strafwetboek hervormd: wat zijn de belangrijkste wijzigingen?

Het Sociaal Strafwetboek onderging een belangrijke hervorming, en dit kan beschouwd worden als een belangrijk keerpunt in de strijd tegen illegale tew…

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