Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

CMS Belgium logo
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CMS Belgium strengthens its public law and corporate departments with new promotions

CMS is pleased to announce two new promotions, within its public law and corporate law departments.

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Dentons  logo
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Dentons richt Publiekrecht en Herstructureringspraktijken op in Brussel met dubbele aanstelling…

Het internationale advocatenkantoor Dentons heeft zijn kantoor in Brussel versterkt met de aanstelling van Jens Debièvre als partner en hoofd van de praktijk Public Law and Regulat…

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Jones Day logo
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Didier De Vliegher joins Jones Day’s Real Estate Practice in the Brussels office

The global law firm Jones Day announced today that Didier De Vliegher has joined the Firm as of counsel in its Real Estate Practice, based in Jones Day’s Brussels Office.

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PwC Belgium logo
Update regarding the Energy-Saving Investment Deduction

Companies investing in fixed assets used for more rational energy consumpti…

EY Law logo
The EU Repair Act: Promoting the circular economy in the EU

The EU Repair Act promotes the circular economy by imposing a repair obliga…

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Wij publiceren dagelijks gratis meerdere juridische artikels geschreven door advocatenkantoren, notarissen, tax consultants, en de juridische diensten van sociale secretariaten.

Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Belgium gears up to enforce the EU Deforestation Regulation

The EU Deforestation Regulation (‘EUDR’) was published in the Official Journal on 9 June 2023 and entered into force on 29 June 2023, marking the star…

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, brin…

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Nieuw Vlaams decreet over het vervreemden van onroerende domeingoederen en het vestigen en vervreemden van zak…

Op 8 maart 2024 heeft de Vlaamse regering een decreet bekrachtigd en afgekondigd betreffende het vervreemden van onroerende domeingoederen en het vest…

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EU Court of Justice interprets import ban on Chinese animal products: fish oil for feed is not an exempted “fi…

On 21 March 2024, the EU Court of Justice (‘CJEU’) handed down its ruling in case C‑7/23, concerning a dispute between a feed company, Marvesa Rotterd…

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Overheidsopdrachten en concessies van werken : wijziging plafondbedragen klassen in erkenningsregels aannemers…

Bij de meeste overheidsopdrachten en concessies van werken kan enkel gewerkt worden met erkende aannemers. Deze erkenning wordt bij wet geregeld (wet …

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CJEU balances strict obligations for wholesalers of medicines with proportional penalties

On 21 September 2023, the EU Court of Justice (‘CJEU’) handed down its ruling in the Apotheke B. case (C-47/22), and it is a good example of the high …

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Making the EU Courts More Efficient for Trade-Related Decisions

On March 19, 2024, the European Council adopted changes to the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union in an attempt to improve its effi…

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Is een eenvoudige publicatie van een belastingreglement op een website rechtsgeldig?

De rechtsgeldige publicatie van een belastingreglement blijft brandend actueel. Dit blijkt alleen al uit recente rechtspraak van zowel het Hof van Cas…

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Transmission obligatoire concernant les marchés publics : êtes-vous prêts pour le 15 mars 2024?

Pour le 15 mars 2024 au plus tard, les adjudicateurs sont tenus de transmettre certaines données statistiques sur les marchés publics qu'ils ont attri…

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From Policy to Practice: ESG Integration in Public Procurement

Sustainability, environmental considerations, and public procurement. These are three of the hottest topics in the business world nowadays. They have …

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Een “vastgoedcoach” is een vastgoedmakelaar en moet ingeschreven zijn

Een zelfverklaarde “vastgoedcoach” kwalificeert als makelaar omdat hij actief panden aanbiedt en plaatsbezoeken organiseert. Het maakt niet uit of de …

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EU citizens rally for medical cannabis but face a rigid European Commission

In the EU, access to medical cannabis is a matter of national policy. A group of citizens wants to change that by leveraging a citizens’ initiative an…

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EU Court of Justice: Parallel importer may not remove PPP batch number

On 7 December 2023, the EU Court of Justice (‘CJEU’) handed down its ruling in case C-830/21 between Syngenta Agro GmbH (‘Syngenta Agro’) and Agro Tra…

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Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain's sanctioning powers strengthened since January 1, 202…

On 1 January 2024, a major change came into force in the sanctions policy of the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (hereinafter …

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Three changes in Belgian food law in 2023

Food law is extensively harmonized throughout the EU, but national law still has a role to play. In this short article, we look at three developments …

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Two changes in Belgian food law in 2023

Food law is extensively harmonized throughout the EU, but national law still has a role to play. In this short article, we look at two developments in…

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The 5 major changes in Belgian pharma law of 2023

Both the Belgian legislator and government have played an active role in 2023 when it comes to pharma legislation, which has led to a number of change…

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Belgium aims for hospitals to increase their biosimilars uptake

On 22 September 2023, the Royal Decree of 13 September 2023 establishing specific rules on the public procurement of biological medicinal products was…

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Nieuwe hernieuwbare energierichtlijn: wijzigingen inzake garanties van oorsprong, vergunningen en RFNBO’s

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New product liability regime on the way

The European Commission published a draft proposal for a revised Product Liability Directive (the “PLD Proposal”) on 28 September 2022, which aims to …

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