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In October 2015, we reported on the invalidation by the European Court of Justice (the “CJEU”) of the “Safe Harbour” regime for personal data exports …
Lees MeerEU trade mark reform is finally happening, as on 15 December 2015 the EU trade mark reform package was adopted by the European Parliament.
Lees MeerFin décembre 2015, le Conseil et le Parlement européen sont parvenus à un accord sur le projet de directive dite "cyber-sécurité". Le texte fina…
Lees MeerGisteren raakte bekend dat de EU en de VS een politiek akkoord hebben bereikt over Safe Harbour, het "EU-US Privacy Shield". Het bestaande S…
Lees MeerPursuant to article 9 of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications (the “Act”), an electronic communication service provider (the “service …
Lees MeerIn October 2015, we reported on the invalidation by the European Court of Justice of the “Safe Harbour” regime for personal data exports from the EU t…
Lees MeerNow that the holidays are behind us, with the exception of a belated New Year's drink here and there, it's business as usual and thus time to dig a li…
Lees MeerIn October 2015, we reported on the invalidation by the European Court of Justice of the “Safe Harbour” regime for personal data exports from the EU t…
Lees MeerMedische gegevens van maar liefst 150.000 onderzoeken binnen de Emmaüs-groep zouden zijn uitgelekt. Het Nederlandse consumentenprogramma “Meldpunt” kw…
Lees MeerOn 1 December 2015, the Court of Cassation dismissed an appeal lodged by Yahoo! against the ruling of the Court of Appeal of Antwerpen of 20 November …
Lees MeerIn de recente pers zijn berichten verschenen over de vraag of werkgevers de e-mails van hun werknemers mogen lezen. De directe aanleiding voor deze be…
Lees MeerThe Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) provides that European companies may transfer personal data to countries outside the European Economic Area i…
Lees MeerLes sociétés luxembourgeoises sont en principe soumises à l’impôt sur le revenu des collectivités (ci-après « IRC ») de 21 % majoré par une contributi…
Lees MeerOn 1 October 2015 the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) rendered a judgment in response to the questions raised by the Kúria (Hungarian Supreme Court)…
Lees MeerWe bespreken hier kort het arrest van het EHRM van 12 januari 2016 waarin beslist werd over de rechtmatigheid van het monitoren van de communicatie va…
Lees MeerOn 22 October 2015, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) issued a judgment in response to a request from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court (Hö…
Lees MeerPursuant to article 9 of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications (the “Act”), an electronic communication service provider (the “service …
Lees MeerEn matière de données personnelles, l'année 2016 sera l'année de la recherche de nouveaux équilibres. Depuis juin 2013, date des premières révélations…
Lees MeerWhile some people never stopped believing that the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") would one day become a reality, others had started to d…
Lees MeerVrijdag 11 december ll. keurde de federale ministerraad, op voorstel van minister van Digitale Agenda en Telecommunicatie, Alexander De Croo, een voor…
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