Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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L’avenir numérique s’éclaire

Le 12 juin 2024, les 11.000 avocats flamands, et les 8.300 avocats francophones et germanophones ont uni leur destin numérique dans la société DPA (Digital Platform for Attorneys),…

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New Partner at Deloitte Legal

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of DeloitteLegal’s newest partner in Belgium: Matthias Vierstraete.

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Enforcement of the EU AI Act: The EU AI Office

On 21 May 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted the Regulation la…

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Adoption of the AI Act: What does it entail?

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Overheidsdata in de cloud: Is er een hemelse toekomst voor onze Rijksgegevens?

Advocatenkantoor time.lex onderzocht de veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid van cloud diensten voor de opslag van Vlaamse overheidsgegevens in juridisc…

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Tips voor Webshophouders: Mag ik retour weigeren van afgeprijsde producten?

Hoe zit het met het retourrecht voor consumenten bij online verkoop? Mag een webshop een item niet terugnemen omdat het in uitverkoop was? Zelfs …

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Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health Concludes “Pact for Future” with Pharmaceutical Industry

On 27 July 2015, the Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health, Maggie De Block (“the Minister”), and the pharmaceutical sector umbrella organisat…

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Italy joins the Unitary Patent and foresees the possibility to open a local division of the Unified Patent Cou…

Italy has finally decided to join in on EU’s Unitary Patent by expressing its wish to participate in the enhanced cooperation mechanism for the creati…

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Huawei v ZTE: ECJ rules on injunction possibility of SEP owner against alleged infringer after a FRAND licensi…

The European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) handed down its decision on July 16, 2015 in the caseHuawei v. ZTE (C-170/13). It clarified the possibility for …

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Drones and Privacy: Belgian Privacy Commission Approves Draft Royal Decree

Until a couple of years ago, drones, or remotely piloted aircraft systems (“RPAS”), were only used for military purposes. Recently, however, the techn…

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Shape Marks: Guidance on Distinctiveness and Functionality

The acceptance of 3D signs as trade marks is well established, but the grounds for refusal, including whether the public considers 3D signs to be trad…

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Hertekent Europa straks ons systeem van reprografierechten?

Auteurs en uitgevers krijgen voor het kopiëren van hun beschermde werken een compensatie. Deze compensatie heet ‘reprografie’-vergoeding. Beheersvenno…

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Belgian Privacy Commission Urges Facebook to Improve Compliance

On 13 May 2015, the Belgian Privacy Commission (Commissie voor de bescherming van de persoonlijke levenssfeer/Commission de la protection de la vie pr…

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Elektronisch communiceren en contracteren: een volwaardig alternatief?

De traditionele communicatiemiddelen worden steeds vaker vervangen door e-mail, sms en andere vormen van elektronische communicatie. Ook overeenkomste…

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Developments in data privacy in Belgium

These days, data privacy is a hot topic in Belgium. In the past few weeks, some major developments have taken place.

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Algemene voorwaarden op uw website: volstaat dit voor de toepassing ervan?

De vereisten van snelheid en efficiëntie van het handelsverkeer hebben talrijke ondernemingen ertoe aangespoord om de voorwaarden op basis waarvan zij…

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Copyrights in Tintin jeopardised

In the Netherlands, The Hague Court of Appeal has rendered an interesting judgment concerning the copyrights in Tintin. Moulinsart SA is the Belgian c…

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Labelling of foodstuffs

On 4 June 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union ("CJEU") ruled that the labelling of a foodstuff may mislead consumers if the packaging, ta…

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Belgian Privacy Commission Provides Guidance on the Use of Cookies and Compliance with the Data Protection Act…

The Belgian Privacy Commission recently issued a guidance document on the use of cookies and similar technology.

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Echte start van het e-commerce sectoronderzoek van de Europese Commissie: wees alert!

In maart van dit jaar kondigde Commissaris Vestager haar voorstel aan om een Europees sectoronderzoek naar elektronische handel ('e-commerce') te voer…

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Are Your Website's Social Plugins Privacy Compliant?

Social plugins such as Facebook's Like button and Twitter's Tweet button are very popular as they allow sites to extend their reach and increase their…

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Bill submitted to increase penalty powers of the Dutch Data Protection Authority to EUR 810,000 or 10 percenta…

On 24 November 2014 State Secretary Teeven (from the VVD, a conservative-liberal party) submitted a second memorandum of amendment concerning the legi…

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Bhaalu case: Flemish Media Regulator rules in favor of broadcasters Medialaan, SBS Belgium, and VRT in their s…

Right Brain Interface NV is a young technology company that has created a remote DVR (digital video recording) storage service called Bhaalu. In essen…

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Cookies: Belgian Privacy Commission publishes official guidance

Almost one year after the publication of the draft version, the Belgian Privacy Commission has recently issued the final version of its recommendation…

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