Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

CMS Belgium logo
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CMS Belgium strengthens its public law and corporate departments with new promotions

CMS is pleased to announce two new promotions, within its public law and corporate law departments.

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Altius logo
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ALTIUS strengthens its Employment Law team

ALTIUS is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Tronckoe as Counsel in its Employment Law department. With more than 30 years of experience at leading law firms, Steve bring…

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Lydian logo
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Lydian welcomes new head for its Banking & Finance practice

Lydian is proud to announce that Pieter-Jan Leemen has joined the firm as a Partner and will head the Banking & Finance practice. Pieter-Jan’s arrival brings fresh momentum to …

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Strelia logo
No more Secrets - Enhancing Cross-Border Corporate Transpare…

On 30 January 2025, Directive 2025/25 entered into force (the Directive). T…

Strelia logo
The Impact of AI on the Workplace: Regulations, Responsibili…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping workplace dynamics, optimizing pr…

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Wij publiceren dagelijks gratis meerdere juridische artikels geschreven door advocatenkantoren, notarissen, tax consultants, en de juridische diensten van sociale secretariaten.

Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Reform of Non-Contractual Liability in Belgium: A Guide for Businesses

On January 1, 2025, a major shift occurred with the entry into force of the new Book 6 of the Civil Code concerning non-contractual liability. This re…

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Are you free to terminate negotiations in an M&A transaction?

Book V of the Belgian Civil Code introduced a new principle with regard to wrongful terminated negotiations, significantly impacting M&A transacti…

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Schadevergoeding in geval van ontslag Data Protection Officer

Een ziekenhuis besloot om over te gaan tot het ontslag van een werknemer die de functies van Chief Information Security Officer en Data Protection Off…

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EU’s Omnibus Proposal: Key changes to the CSRD, CS3D and EU Taxonomy

The “EU Simplification Omnibus Package” aims to significantly simplify and reduce sustainability reporting and due diligence burdens, by amending the …

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Ouderschapsverlof en beëindiging van de arbeidsovereenkomst: enkele aandachtspunten

Bij beëindiging van de arbeidsovereenkomst tijdens een periode van ouderschapsverlof ontstaat wel eens discussie over de begroting van vergoedingen ty…

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Tackling Social Dumping and Fraud Prevention in Belgium

Social dumping and fraud pose significant challenges to Belgium's labor market, particularly in the exploitation of third-country nationals. These pra…

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20 mars 2025 - Journée de la Justice

Depuis une décennie, magistrats, avocats, greffiers et autres acteurs de la justice tirent la sonnette d’alarme sur l’état préoccupant de notre systèm…

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The EU proposes sharper Carbon Border Rules: EC proposes key amendments ahead of the 2026 definitive CBAM phas…

The European Commission (EC) has published a legislative proposal to amend the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Regulation. The proposed a…

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Continuation Funds – The Double-Edged Sword of Opportunity and Conflict

Continuation funds have been a prominent feature of the GP-led secondary market in recent years. Although these transactions offer attractive opportun…

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Eerste regels van de AI-wet van toepassing

Vanaf 2 februari 2025 zijn de eerste regels van de AI-wet van toepassing.

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Beter een goede gids voor de naleving van het mededingingsrecht

Compliance programma’s hebben als doel om systematisch bewustzijn te creëren over de naleving van het mededingingsrecht, om op die manier het risico o…

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Stark Recruitment – Your Team Is Our Concern

Stark Recruitment was founded by Nathanaël and Ilan, two brothers who previously worked for international recruitment firms.

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New Belgian Government To Make Significant Changes To Belgian Labor and Employment Law

After months of negotiations, Belgium’s new federal government has reached an agreement introducing significant changes to labor law, employment flexi…

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Crowell & Moring versterkt praktijkgroep ‘Environment & Natural Resources’ in Brussel

Dr. Anna Gergely is toegetreden tot de praktijkgroep ‘Environment & Natural Resources’ van Crowell & Moring en brengt drie decennia ervaring m…

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Dentons bolsters its Belgian Banking and Finance practice

Dentons has strengthened its Brussels office with the recruitment of partner Tom Geudens as Head of the Banking and Finance practice in Belgium. He j…

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New EDPB guidelines on controllers’ obligations in the data processing chain and legally required processing

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Belgian tax reform: what is in it for the private equity sector ?

On 31 January 2025, a political agreement has been reached to form a new Belgian government. The government agreement includes a major tax reform. Som…

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The new federal government’s Coalition Agreement of 31 January 2025: implications for the real estate and cons…

After more than seven months of intense negotiations, a federal government (baptised the “Arizona coalition”) has been formed, resulting in a 200-page…

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De Wever I – Federal government agreement – Corporate income tax perspective

On 31 January 2025 a new Belgian federal government agreement was reached by the so-called ‘Arizona’ coalition. This federal government agreement cont…

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The Evolving Role of the Works Council in Sustainability Reporting

In line with Europe’s push for greater corporate transparency on social and environmental impact, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CS…

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