News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Stibbe Brussels reinforces Real Estate and Energy practices with two new partners

Stibbe is pleased to announce the appointments of Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) and Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) as partne…

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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Updated guidelines on Belgian FDI Screening

The Cooperation Agreement of 30 November 2022 establishing a foreign direct…

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B2C : obligation d’accepter le paiement en espèces

Depuis le 31 mars 2024, toutes les entreprises sont tenues d’accepter les p…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

How to Determine the Best Work from Home Strategy for Your Company with Belgium Back in COVID-19 Mandatory Tel…

Since October 19, 2020, new Belgian rules have once again made it obligatory for most employees  to “telework at home” as much as possible.

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B2B prohibition of unfair clauses creates legal uncertainty for M&A practice

The Belgian legislator has introduced a prohibition on 'unfair clauses' in agreements between enterprises through the Law of 4 April 2019 concerning t…

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Data protection litigation: preparing to defend yourself – or attack

If people were to look, they would probably conclude that you do not fully comply with data protection rules. Top of the line security always fails so…

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Circular letter published on consumption cheques

The federal government has agreed that employers will be able to grant consumption cheques to their employees to support the sectors most affected by …

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National Labour Council adopts 2 COVID-19 related CBAs

While our Belgian Governments are currently busy tightening the measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Labour Council (CNT - NAR) conc…

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COVID-19 measure: two royal decrees concerning partial exemption from payment of payroll taxes

Following the Bill dated 15 July 2020 (Belgian official Gazette of 23 July 2020), the new system of (partial) exemption from payment of withheld payro…

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Vous comptez lancer votre commerce ? Choisissez-bien votre nom !

Vous souhaitez débuter un nouveau business, et vous êtes conscient que vous devez penser à de multiples choses.

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Overbruggingsrecht in geval van quarantaine of sluiting van klassen, scholen en kinderopvang

Vanaf september kunnen zelfstandigen in bepaalde gevallen beroep doen op het klassieke overbruggingsrecht.

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Vlaanderen: verduidelijking aangaande hoofdfuncties in een gebouw in het kader van vergunningsplichtige functi…

Op 18 mei 2020 werd in het Vlaams Parlement een schriftelijke vraag gesteld aan Vlaams minister van Justitie en Handhaving, Omgeving, Energie en Toeri…

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New rules on telework to further limit the spread of Covid-19

On 16 October 2020, the government decided to reinforce the urgent measures to limit the further spread of Covid–19. Teleworking is no longer ‘highly …

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Mobiliteitsproblemen bij de zaak van de wegen

In een arret van 1 juli 2020 doet de Raad van State uitspraak in een interessant omgevingsvergunningsdossier bij de gemeenteraad waarin mobilitei…

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Een nieuw hoofdstuk aan de UBO-register saga: het KB van 23 september 2020

De implementatie van het Belgisch UBO-register is verworden tot een heuse saga. Daarbij werd de deadline voor de eerste registratie tot drie…

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COVID-19: European Commission authorises a Belgian aid scheme for the hotel sector in Brussels

On 9 October 2020, the European Commission gave the green light for the establishment of a Brussels aid scheme to support the hotel sector (in particu…

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Can I measure the temperature of employees or customers?

Fever is one of the possible symptoms of infection with the COVID-19 virus. As part of the fight against the pandemic, companies may consider measurin…

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Two new CBAs in the context of the corona crisis

At their meeting on 7 October 2020, the social partners concluded two new CBAs which once again provide more clarity in the context of the ongoing cor…

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Nouveautés concernant le registre UBO

Depuis 2019, les sociétés et autres entités juridiques, telles que les A(I)SBL, trusts, fiducies et les constructions juridiques similaires doivent di…

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COVID-19: the European Commission prolongs the Temporary Framework on State Aid until 30 June 2021 and expands…

On 19 March 2020, the Commission adopted a Temporary Framework on State aid measures to support the economy in the current COVID-19 outbreak.

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New rules on B2B contracts in Belgium – are you ready?

An Act of 4 April 2019 introduced three new sets of rules governing B2B-relationships: (1) a prohibition of unfair market practices (which entered int…

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OECD releases updated Pillar Two proposal for global minimum effective taxation

On 12 October 2020, the OECD released for public consultation updated reports on its two-pillar proposal to address the tax challenges of the digitali…

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The Court of Justice of the EU clarifies the assessment of position marks for services

The Court of Justice of the EU recently clarified the criteria to take into account when assessing the distinctive character of a position mark applie…

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