News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Stibbe Brussels reinforces Real Estate and Energy practices with two new partners

Stibbe is pleased to announce the appointments of Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) and Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) as partne…

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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Updated guidelines on Belgian FDI Screening

The Cooperation Agreement of 30 November 2022 establishing a foreign direct…

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B2C : obligation d’accepter le paiement en espèces

Depuis le 31 mars 2024, toutes les entreprises sont tenues d’accepter les p…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

European Commission adopts merger simplification package to reduce red tape

The European Commission recently adopted a package to simplify its procedures for reviewing concentrations under the EU Merger regulation. Under the n…

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European Commission Simplifies Merger Control Procedure

On April 20, 2023, the European Commission adopted a number of measures to simplify and streamline its merger review procedure. The changes are intend…

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Prijsindexering in B2B contracten

De laatste tijd hebben we wereldwijd te maken met grote prijsschommelingen van de materialen en dit heeft een grote impact op de bestaande contracten …

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Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a new regulatory framework designed to ensure the security and resilience of network and information …

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CJEU Clarifies the Right to Obtain a ‘Copy’ of Personal Data

The Court of Justice of the European Union (the “CJEU”) has issued a recent judgment (for now only available in its original French version) providing…

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Bepaalde opzeggingstermijnen veranderen.

In het Belgisch Staatsblad van 28 april 2023 is een wet gepubliceerd die een paar wijzigingen aanbrengt aan de opzeggingstermijnen zoals die zijn bepa…

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Anyone in for some more legal uncertainty for acquisitions?

Imagine… You happen to be the biggest soft drinks producer around, and you’ve just acquired a company in Germany that makes organic soft drinks. Your …

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Privévastgoed in een familiale vennootschap niet langer een belemmering voor toepassing van het gunstregime

Het Grondwettelijk Hof bevestigde dat het feit dat een familiale vennootschap ook vastgoed heeft dat niet of slechts gedeeltelijk dient voor de econom…

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Nieuwe EU-regels over de digitale diensten en markten treden binnenkort in werking

Dans cette contribution, nous examinerons deux règlements européens, à savoir le règlement relatif à la loi sur les services numériques (DSA) et le rè…

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De koopkrachtpremie voor 2023 is er!

Reeds in november 2022 bereikte de federale regering een loonakkoord voor de periode 2023-2024, waarbij werd beslist dat er geen ruimte was voor een l…

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Le RGPD et la réparation des dommages moraux : la CJUE donne une interprétation réservée.

L’affaire a été soulevée par un citoyen Autrichien dont les données à caractère personnel avaient été traitées (sans son consentement) par le service …

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Exclusionary abuse by dominant undertakings: the Commission’s proposal to review its guidance

On 27 March 2023, the European Commission published a Communication (and Annex) amending its Guidance on the Commission’s enforcement priorities in ap…

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Opening up the Long-Awaited EU Pharmaceutical Package

On April 26, 2023, the European Commission finally published its long-awaited EU Pharmaceutical Package. This Package introduces new draft legislation…

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EU harmonizes THC limits in hemp seed (food) as from 1 January 2023 – Update Belgium

The EU regulator has harmonized the maximum levels for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in hemp seeds throughout the Union within the food contaminants fram…

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European Commission promotes easy and attractive right to repair for consumers

On 22 March 2023, the European Commission adopted a new proposal for a Directive on common rules to promote the repair of goods purchased by consumers…

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Belgian Competition Authority assesses sustainability initiative in the banana sector

The Belgian Competition Authority recently examined the sustainability initiative of IDH-Transforming Markets and certain large retail chains to promo…

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The recent tax and social security reforms on copyright income: what employers need to know

Following an intense debate, the legislator introduced a new tax scheme applicable to copyright income. The main reason for this initiative is the ass…

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Les permis d’urbanisme sont-ils protégés par le droit d’auteur ?

Toute demande de permis d’urbanisme doit nécessairement être accompagnée de certains documents, qui sont susceptibles d’être protégés par le droit d’a…

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3 tips om uw organisatie tegen cyberrisico’s te beschermen

Cybercriminaliteit, een complex en actueel onderwerp. Vandaag is het niet langer de vraag of, maar wanneer u het doelwit van een cyberaanval wordt. El…

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The GPT phenomenon: will your employment lawyers soon be out of a job?

Being married to a techie who was once a lawyer, and not without a degree of self-interest I have recently spent a good number of hours musing over th…

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