News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Stibbe Brussels reinforces Real Estate and Energy practices with two new partners

Stibbe is pleased to announce the appointments of Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) and Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) as partne…

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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Géolocaliser des véhicules de société : quelles limites ?

La géolocalisation par les employeurs des véhicules de société utilisés par…

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Directors, be aware of potential liability when proposing a …

Even if a dividend distribution is permissible considering the balance shee…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Advertising in Relation to Plastic Surgery: ECJ Clears Prohibition

By order of 26 October 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the “ECJ”) ruled that the Belgian prohibition on advertising for procedures r…

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Public consultation on common rules for the operation of EU air carriers in the internal aviation market

On 15 March 2018, the European Commission launched a public consultation on Regulation No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on c…

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Optionele btw-plicht onroerende verhuur haalt eindmeet

De federale regering heeft naar aanleiding van de diverse maatregelen bij de begrotingscontrole alsnog het revolutionaire optiestelsel voor btw-plicht…

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Hervorming vennootschapsbelasting: zowel opportuniteiten als aandachtspunten voor de Belgische holding!

Eind 2017 vond de hervorming van de vennootschapsbelasting als één van de grote werven van de huidige federale regering uiteindelijk haar beslag. Het …

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Optional Application of VAT on Real Estate Leases as of 1 October 2018

On 24 March 2018, the Belgian federal government issued a press release following the interim audit of the 2018 budget, announcing optional VAT on (qu…

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Akkoord inzake hervorming Vlaamse erfbelasting – vervolg

In onze nieuwsbrief van 1 maart 2018 werd melding gemaakt van de hoofdlijnen van het akkoord van de Vlaamse Regering van 23 februari 2018 in…

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Nouveaux préavis en début d’occupation applicables en juin 2018 ?

Comme nous avons déjà eu l’occasion de l’aborder précédemment, une proposition de loi fixant des nouveaux préavis en début d’occupation est actuelleme…

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Urban Planning Law in the Walloon Region: an Overview of the Latest Changes

Please find below an overview of the main changes to urban planning law introduced in the Walloon Region in the past few months. The overarching objec…

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Brussels-Capital Region: Urban Planning and Environmental Law Changes in 2018

The Brussels-Capital Region has undertaken an ambitious reform that will affect all aspects of urban development: planning regulations, building and e…

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De kogel is door de kerk: forfaitaire waardering gratis woonst definitief naar de prullenmand!

De rechtspraak oordeelde de laatste 2 jaren quasi éénduidig dat de forfaitaire waardering van het voordeel van alle aard voor het kosteloos …

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Dawn raids on cosmetic goods distributors by Belgian and French Competition Authorities

On 1 March 2018, the Belgian and French Competition Authorities confirmed dawn raids on distributors of cosmetic goods in Belgium and France. Both ins…

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European Commission proposes new rules on the taxation of the digital economy

On 21 March 2018, the European Commission published its EU digital tax package on the taxation of the digital economy. The package contains&…

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EU Commission publishes proposals on digital economy taxation

On 21 March 2018, the European Commission (EU Commission) proposed two Council Directives addressing the taxation of the digital economy. The int…

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Belgian Council of Ministers approves EU Trade Secrets Directive draft bill

On 8 June 2016, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Trade Secrets Directive The aim of this Directive is to (i) provide a co…

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Administratieve boetes fiscaal aftrekbaar in het kader van de GDPR?

De GDPR zal op 25 mei 2018 in werking treden. Eén van de belangrijkste gevolgen van de inwerkingtreding van de GDPR, is dat de GDPR voorziet in een ni…

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Waalse Gewest - Gezinswoning volledig vrijgesteld van successierechten

Sinds de inwerkingtreding op 1 januari van het Waals decreet van 13 december 2017 houdende diverse fiscale wijzigingen[1], wordt het netto-aandeel van…

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Crocs killed its own design through public disclosure

The General Court of the EU confirmed the cancellation of the registration for the famous design of Crocs clogs on the ground that it was disclosed to…

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A new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations

An important modification in the field of Belgian corporate law is now on track and it also concerns non-profit associations and foundations (hereinaf…

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Ambush marketing : too smart to be good ?

«If you are travelling to Lillehammer, you'll need a passport, but you don't need a visa». This ad by American Express at the 1994 Lillehammer Olympic…

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20% of employee’s salary in warrants and options not 'disproportionate'

Warrants and options are an attractive form of remuneration because of their favourable tax and social security treatment. Previously, the tax ruling…

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