News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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New counsel at ebl-redsky

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel.

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Aide juridique : le point à 93,97 euros !

Le 21 février dernier a été promulgué un arrêté royal modifiant l’arrêté royal du 20 décembre 1999 contenant les modalités d’exécution relatives à l’indemnisation accordée aux avoc…

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Aantal erfovereenkomsten, zorgvolmachten en testamenten in de lift

In ons land worden steeds meer erfovereenkomsten, zorgvolmachten en testamenten opgesteld. Dat blijkt uit de Familiebarometer van FEDNOT. In de eerste 9 maanden van 2023 waren er 4…

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Damage under the new Belgian tort law

On 1 February 2024, the Belgian Parliament approved a new Book 6 of the Civ…

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Nieuw Vlaams decreet over het vervreemden van onroerende dom…

Op 8 maart 2024 heeft de Vlaamse regering een decreet bekrachtigd en afgeko…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

1 January 2015 – unclaimed shares are offered for sale

As from 1 January 2015, bearer shares (that were converted into registered and dematerialized shares after 1 January 2014), whose owners have remained…

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Real estate update: new year’s edition

What's new since 1 January 2015 in regulatory real estate? Het real estate team van Laga presenteert een overzicht van de nieuwe ontwikkelingen in he…

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Arrêt du 25 septembre 2014 (Liège). RG 2013/RG/393

Cour d'appel: Arrêt du 25 septembre 2014 (Liège). RG 2013/RG/393

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Brouwerijcontracten: belang van het uitdrukkelijk ontbindend beding

In de horeca is het gebruikelijk dat kandidaat-uitbaters financiële hulp krijgen van brouwers en leveranciers van dranken bij het openen van de zaak. …

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Buy a rented building: can the purchaser terminate the existing lease agreement?

Kan de koper, bij de aankoop van een gehuurd goed, de bestaande huurovereenkomst beëindigen? De vaste datum van de huurovereenkomst en de duur van de …

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Breyne Act: watch out for artificial splits!

The Breyne Act is not one of those laws the application of which can easily be avoided by contractual arrangements. It is always useful to be reminded…

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Retail leases under new powers of the Commercial Court.

The Act of 26 March 2014 extended the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court to "disputes between enterprises" but maintained the exclusive jurisdiction…

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Een pop-up handelshuur

Pop-up winkels, pop-up restaurants, pop-up bars,... Het recent pop-up fenomeen komt in alle vormen en maten. Er worden pop-ups gestart om verbouwingsw…

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Le Tribunal de la famille, le règlement amiable et la médiation

A l'initiative du Barreau de Bruxelles, et plus particulièrement de la Commission des Modes Alternatifs de Règlement des Conflits dont plusieurs assoc…

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Swap contracts – Unforeseen circumstances

The Portuguese Supreme Court, on the basis of the doctrine of  unforeseen circumstances, created by the financial crisis, has blessed the termi…

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Pre-contractual information Update

The obligations concerning pre-contractual information of commercial collaboration agreements, as introduced by the law of 2005, have been changed on …

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An unambitious reform of the surface right

A draft law that amends the Law of 1824 on surface rights for the first time since its promulgation puts an end to a few controversial points, without…

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Regionalization of the federal jurisdiction on specific leases

As from 1 July 2014, the responsibility for the legislation pertaining to retail, residential and farm leases will be devolved to the three Regions.

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Can an incorporated association be assimilated to a “relative” in the case of termination of a retail lease by…

The Constitutional Court ruled that the family ties which allow the buyer of a property to terminate a retail lease for personal use cannot be assimil…

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L’intérêt du divorce par consentement mutuel : consultez un avocat

Il semblerait que le nombre de divorces par consentement mutuel reste stable, depuis la réforme du divorce de 2007, bien que le nombre d’introductions…

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The effectiveness of a pledge over the shares of an SPRL/BVBA

The effectiveness of a pledge over the shares of an SPRL/BVBA could be jeopardized by the application of the agreement procedure provided for in Artic…

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Over de doorrekening van kosten aan de huurder (1728ter B.W.)

Artikel 1728ter, § 1 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek zet uiteen dat kosten en lasten die aan de huurder worden opgelegd met werkelijke uitgaven dienen over…

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Commercial lease, commercial destination, agreement of the parties

The agreement of the parties on the commercial destination may be tacit when it occurs as from the beginning of the contract. On the contrary, the agr…

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Investeren in winkelvastgoed: juridische valkuilen en voordelen

Een van de cruciale beslissingen die men moet maken wanneer men besluit om te gaan investeren in vastgoed, is het bepalen van het type vastgoed waarin…

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Unforeseen circumstances in Belgian law

Change of circumstances can occur in all kinds of contracts. Denis Philippe takes a closer look at the current Belgian legal discourse on unforeseen c…

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