News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Legal interest rate for 2024

The legal interest rate for 2024 increases to 5.75%.

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Malissa Begtas joins the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team at Taylor Wessing in Brussels…

Starting from 1 December 2023, counsel Malissa Begtas will be joining the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team of Taylor Xessing in Brussels. With over a decade of experience i…

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Inger De Wilde joins Eubelius as Of Counsel

Inger De Wilde has joined Eubelius as Of Counsel. She will strengthen the Employment team headed by Liesbet Vandenplas.

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Nieuwe registratieplicht voor werkgevers in de Federal Learn…

Depuis la loi du 3 octobre 2022 portant des dispositions diverses relatives…

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Internal investigations: an employee’s right to be assisted …

The Supreme Court clarifies… but is already overruled by recent legislative…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Council of Ministers approves draft bill on unified employment status

On September 27 2013 the Council of Ministers approved a draft bill introducing a unified status for blue-collar and white-collar workers. Although th…

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The unified status blue-collar workers - white-collar workers

In its decision of 7 July 2011, the Constitutional Court allowed two years time to the legislator to undo the differences in the status of blue-collar…

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Certain termination indemnities subject to Belgian social security contributions

A new royal decree was published today in the Belgian State Gazette [1], providing that several termination indemnities will be subject to social secu…

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Social security contributions charged

Prior to 1 October 2013, compensation that was due by the employer to the employee by reason of the employer's failure to comply with legal, contractu…

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RSZ-bijdragen op bepaalde vergoedingen

Vóór 1 oktober 2013 werden schadevergoedingen die verschuldigd waren door de werkgever aan de werknemer wegens het niet-naleven van wettelijke, contra…

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Cotisations de sécurité sociale dues

Avant le 1er octobre 2013, les indemnités qui étaient dues par l'employeur au travailleur en raison du non-respect d'obligations légales, contractuell…

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Defence rights during dawn raids: the General Court attempts to put principles into practice

Competition authorities have broad powers of investigation during unannounced inspections of companies’ premises ("dawn raids"). In its judgment in De…

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The mechanism regarding the withholding obligation and the guarantee in respect of social security and the tax…

The social security and tax authorities recourse regarding the withholding obligation and guarantee during a judicial reorganization has been confirme…

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Agreement regarding Harmonisation of Blue Collar and White Collar Employee Regimes

Already in a 1993 judgment, the Constitutional Court (Grondwettelijk Hof / Cour Constitutionnelle) had considered the specific differences between whi…

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The success of the law on the continuity of undertakings leads to a reform

A bill modifying various legislation regarding the continuity of undertakings was adopted by the House of Representatives on 2 May 2013. The main modi…

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Modernising employment law

The modernisation of employment law Act was recently published in the Belgian Official Journal (B.S./M.B. 17 August 2013). The Modernisation Act aims …

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Eenmaking statuut arbeiders-bedienden: afschaffing carensdag

Zoals aangekondigd in onze vorige nieuwsbrief van 12 juli 2013, vervolgen we in deze editie de bespreking van het compromisvoorstel dat op 5 juli 2013…

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Termination indemnities no longer exempt from social security contributions

Within the framework of the combat against social fraud, the council of ministers recently approved a royal decree subjecting indemnities paid at empl…

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Meeting the requirements for claiming unemployment benefits with employer’s contribution (previously “early re…

The gradual tightening of the conditions for claiming unemployment benefits with employer’s contribution implies that some employees will fulfil these…

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New step in pension reform: harmonisation of pension bonus

Given the ageing population, the government has undertaken to reform the pension system. On 1 March, it was decided to harmonise the pension bonus sys…

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Obligation to hire interns for employers in the private sector

As of 1 January 2013, all private sector employers, regardless of the number of workers they employ, have to hire a minimum number of interns on a yea…

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Upcoming reform of the Belgian Overseas Social Security regime

You may have heard that the Belgian Overseas Social Security Office’s regime (“OSSO”) is up for some changes. After earlier study, the Belgian Governm…

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Schijnzelfstandigheid in de bouwsector

Schijnzelfstandigen verrichten prestaties onder het statuut van zelfstandige, maar werken feitelijk in ondergeschikt verband voor een werkgever. De ge…

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Proposal for blue and white-collar occupational pensions harmonisation

A draft Act on the gradual harmonisation of blue and white-collar occupational pensions has been submitted by the Minister of Pension's office.

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Stuiting van de verjaring van RSZ – schulden door de instelling of de uitoefening van de strafvordering

Artikel 42 van de RSZ - Wet van 27.06.1969 bepaalt de verjaringstermijnen inzake betaling en terugbetaling van sociale zekerheidsbijdragen.

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