News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Jurgen Smits as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Jurgen joins from HEINEKEN International, where he was Global Head of Competi…

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition and Regulatory Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Wilko van Weert as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Wilko specialises in EU competition and regulatory matters, with a pr…

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Eversheds welcomes new partner in Brussels

Eversheds Sutherland has announced the strategic international hire of Marjolein De Backer as a Partner in its Competition, Trade & Foreign Investment practice in Brussels.

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B2C : obligation d’accepter le paiement en espèces

Depuis le 31 mars 2024, toutes les entreprises sont tenues d’accepter les p…

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Priorities of the Belgian Competition Authority for 2024

On 7 June 2024, the Belgian Competition Authority (the “BCA”) published its…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

New in town: unfair contract terms in B2B relations

Right after you invested in a new production line for your Antwerp factory, a major customer unexpectedly switches over to a different supplier. Fortu…

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Uw algemene voorwaarden en modelcontracten (B2B) op de helling? Kamer roept staat van rechtsonzekerheid uit.

Naar huidig Belgisch recht moeten (kunnen) ondernemingen een belangrijk onderscheid maken tussen contracteren met consumenten enerzijds en onderneming…

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Dénigrement en ligne : réagissez !

Le dénigrement en ligne constitue un mal répandu. Internet est aujourd’hui le premier outil d’orientation de la clientèle. Sans surprise, les entrepri…

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Uitzonderingen op het herroepingsrecht gelden niet altijd

Wie online koopt, heeft het product nog niet kunnen passen of uittesten wanneer de overeenkomst gesloten wordt. Om dit nadeel weg te werken en online …

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Strengere regels voor alcoholreclame

Alcoholreclame is in België onderworpen aan strenge regels die onder meer vervat zitten in een Convenant die in 2005 werd afgesloten tussen de Raad vo…

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Consumer’s Right of Withdrawal in Distance Contracts – Duty to Provide Information Clarified by EU Court of Ju…

On 23 January 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) handed down its judgment in Case C-430/17, Walbusch Walter Busch, in which…

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Introduction du Nutri-Score en Belgique : une utilisation volontaire avec ses contraintes

Cette échelle à cinq lettres et cinq couleurs, déjà présente sur quantité de denrées alimentaires en grandes surfaces, est présentée comme un moyen po…

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Reform of Belgian Competition Law – Draft Bill Moves Forward

On 16 November 2018, the Belgian Council of Ministers adopted a draft Bill (the “Draft Bill”) bringing about a wholesale change of the competition law…

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Major change in the regulation of B2B relations- abuse of economic dependence and unfair terms between compani…

Starting from the observation that the current provisions of the Code of Economic Law would not make it possible to ensure an effective level of prote…

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Abuse of Position Involving Economic Dependence Will Soon Be Actionable in Belgium

On 21 March 2019, the Belgian Parliament adopted a law modifying the Code of Economic Law to, inter alia, introduce as an actionable offence the abuse…

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New Belgian rules against abuse of economic dependence - changes in B2B relationships

B2B relationships, particularly in the retail sector, are often characterised by an imbalance of economic, and thus negotiating, power between the con…

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New rules in B2B relationships: prohibited terms, abuse of economic dependence and unfair market practices

On 21 March 2019, the Belgian Parliament approved a new Act which adds three sets of new rules for relationships between businesses to the Economic La…

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Vergelijkende reclame: mag je appels met peren vergelijken?

Eén van de voorwaarden waaraan vergelijkende reclame moet voldoen is dat de vergelijking op objectieve wijze moet gebeuren, waarbij één of meerde…

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Spotify zal binnenkort accounts zonder waarschuwing van haar streamingdiensten verbannen

In verschillende media valt de laatste dagen te lezen dat Spotify binnenkort accounts kan blokkeren indien de gebruiker via een adblocker de reclame w…

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Just how far does my guarantee go?

Your computers are distributed within the EU via a network of national importers. Your company has been very successful everywhere - except in Germany…

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Nieuwe Code over “native advertising” goedgekeurd

De Raad voor de Reclame publiceerde recent nieuwe richtlijnen rond het gebruik van “native advertising”. Bedrijven doen immers vaker een beroep op nat…

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Overzicht arresten hof van justitie op prejudiciële vragen in verband met consumentenrecht

Arrest van het Hof van 4 oktober 2018 in zaak C-105/17 Kamenova, EU:C:2018:808

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Selectie van recente wetgeving

Hieronder vindt u een selectie van recente wetgeving in de Europese Unie en België.

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Coupe du Monde : Puis-je annuler mes vacances en France ?

La France est un très beau pays et une destination de vacance privilégiée pour les belges. Toutefois, de nombreux supporters belges n’ayant que peu go…

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Enfin un cadre juridique pour les secrets d’affaires en Belgique !

Cela fait longtemps que le monde des affaires belge l’attendait… une législation encadrant les secrets d’affaires. C’est sous l’impulsion de l’Union …

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