News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Jurgen Smits as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Jurgen joins from HEINEKEN International, where he was Global Head of Competi…

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition and Regulatory Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Wilko van Weert as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Wilko specialises in EU competition and regulatory matters, with a pr…

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Eversheds welcomes new partner in Brussels

Eversheds Sutherland has announced the strategic international hire of Marjolein De Backer as a Partner in its Competition, Trade & Foreign Investment practice in Brussels.

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B2C : obligation d’accepter le paiement en espèces

Depuis le 31 mars 2024, toutes les entreprises sont tenues d’accepter les p…

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Priorities of the Belgian Competition Authority for 2024

On 7 June 2024, the Belgian Competition Authority (the “BCA”) published its…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Constitutional Court Rules on Language Use on Labels, Operation Instructions and Certificates of Guarantee

On 5 October 2011, the Constitutional Court ruled on the use of language on labels, operation instructions and certificates of guarantee.

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It is still not clear whether black out periods must be respected

The Court of Justice of the European Union did not respond clearly to the questions referred by the Commercial Court of Dendermonde. It is up to the n…

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No supplementary protection certificate (SPC) for a medicinal product without prior evaluation of its safety a…

In order to support innovative pharmaceutical researches, European law foresees the possibility for pharmaceutical companies to file a request for the…

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Distinction between advertising and information relating to medicines

By two decisions of 5 May 2011, the Court of Justice gave more certainty 'as to what constitutes information rather than prohibited advertising for me…

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Prohibition on advertising of aesthetic acts

Le 5 août dernier paraissait au Moniteur belge la loi, annoncée de longue date, interdisant la publicité et réglementant l'information relatives aux a…

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BIPT imposes a EUR 2.3 million fine on bpost

In 2010, bpost discriminated between business customers and mail handlers by way of the so-called ‘per sender’ tariff model. BIPT also finds the tarif…

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Operators of online marketplaces – such as eBay - are not always neutral

According to the Court of Justice, the exemption from liability under Article 14 of the Electronic Commerce Directive must be interpreted as applying …

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Cross-border injunctions are back in the Netherlands

On 24 August 2011, the District Court of The Hague granted Apple a cross-border injunction blocking sales of smart-phones produced by Samsung's Dutch …

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Bericht met betrekking tot de afschaffing van de registratie als aannemer

De ministerraad van 16 juni 2011 heeft een voorontwerp van wet houdende fiscale en diverse bepalingen goedgekeurd dat onder meer de afschaffing van de…

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EU Court of Justice Misses Opportunity to Clarify Whether or Not Belgian Blackout Pre-sale Periods Conform wit…

On 30 June 2011, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the "ECJ") gave judgment with respect to a reference for a preliminary ruling from the Co…

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L’ordonance Wamo : une brique en moins à la nouvele loi relative aux pratiques du marché et à la protection du…

Le 30 juin 2011, la CJUE a répondu à une question préjudicielle posée par le tribunal de commerce de Termonde et déclaré incompatible avec la directiv…

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The Competition Council does not put into question the agreement on milk

The College of Prosecutors of the Competition Council closes its investigation against FEDIS, the CBL-BCZ, the Boerenbond and ABS

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The Constitutional Court declares as unconstitutional the exclusion of liberal professionals, dentists and phy…

The Constitutional Court has decided that there is no objective reason to exclude liberal professionals, dentists and physiotherapists from the scope …

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The Competition Council does not call into question the agreement on milk

The College of Prosecutors of the Competition Council closes its investigation against FEDIS, the CBL-BCZ, the Boerenbond and ABS.

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L’interdiction générale et absolue de vendre sur Internet en train de vivre ses dernières heures?

Cette question se trouve au coeur du litige qui oppose le groupe Pierre Fabre (PFDC) aux autorités françaises et qui est désormais porté devant la Cou…

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The non-application of the law relating to market conduct and consumer protection to the professions, dentists…

Exactly one year after the adoption of the Law of 6 April 2010 on market practices and consumer protection, the Constitutional Court has delivered a r…

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Invoices are subject to language regulations

Invoices will be null and void if they do not comply with language regulations.

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The Belgian statute of 19 December 2005 on pre-contractual information does not apply to agency agreements

The application of the statute on pre-contractual information on the conclusion of agency agreements (with its heavy administrative burden) was subjec…

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The European Commission requests Belgium to comply with rules on unfair commercial practices

According to the Commission, the new Belgian Commercial Practices and Consumer Protection Act of 6 April 2010 does not comply with Directive 2005/29/E…

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The practical consequences of an annulment under the Belgian Statute of 19 December 2005 are problematic

If a franchisor is not able to demonstrate that a Pre-contractual Information Document was delivered in writing at least one month prior to the execut…

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