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The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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L’avenir numérique s’éclaire

Le 12 juin 2024, les 11.000 avocats flamands, et les 8.300 avocats francophones et germanophones ont uni leur destin numérique dans la société DPA (Digital Platform for Attorneys),…

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New Partner at Deloitte Legal

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of DeloitteLegal’s newest partner in Belgium: Matthias Vierstraete.

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Enforcement of the EU AI Act: The EU AI Office

On 21 May 2024, the Council of the European Union adopted the Regulation la…

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Adoption of the AI Act: What does it entail?

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More News & Articles

The genuine use of a community trademark is independent of country borders, but it can be identified with them…

According to the Court of Justice of the European Union, a trademark is genuinely used in the EU, when it is used in accordance with its essential fun…

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Unitary patent: finally breaking through?

After more than 30 years of discussion, a compromise is finally found within the European Union to introduce the unitary patent.

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Creating hyperlinks to internet radio stations in the Netherlands constitutes a relevant act with regard to co…

On 19 December 2012, the court in The Hague ruled that the entrepreneur who created a portal website with hyperlinks to radio stations must pay compen…

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Goed nieuws voor innoverende ondernemers: EU zet licht op groen voor EU-octrooi!

Een octrooi of patent is een tijdelijk (maximum 20 jaar) monopolie op het exploiteren van een uitvinding in een bepaald land. Wie een octrooi bezit, k…

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Inval van de softwarepolitie, en nu?

Bedrijven kunnen zich preventief voorbereiden om onaangename invallen van de softwarepolitie te vermijden. Maar zelfs als de softwarepolitie daadwerke…

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Amendments to the rules for domain name dispute resolution in the “.be” domain

CEPANI is organising on 12 December 2012 (13:30–17:30) a colloquium on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the rules for .be domain name dispute r…

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The conclusions of the Advocate-General in the ONEL-OMEL case and the geographical scope of the genuine use of…

The Court of Appeals of The Hague referred preliminary questions to the Court of Justice with regard to the genuine use of a community trademark. Is i…

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Council of State Prohibits “Saucisson d’Ardenne” Made in Flanders

On 21 September 2012, the Council of State held that the name “Saucisson d’Ardenne” can only be used for products that were effectively produced in th…

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Red Bull Obtains Injunction Against Bottler in Protection of Trade Mark

On 26 September 2012, the President of the Commercial Court of Brussels granted an injunction in a cease-and-desist procedure on the merits (vordering…

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Brussels Court of Appeal Confirms Validity of Escitalopram Patent and SPC

On 17 September 2012, the Court of Appeal of Brussels (the “Court”) confirmed the validity of the patent and supplementary protection certificate (“SP…

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Beslag op intellectuele eigendomsrechten: een vergeten doch effectief middel voor de schuldeiser

Een schuldeiser die nadenkt over een beslaglegging bij zijn debiteur heeft meer opties dan hij op het eerste gezicht zou denken. Met een beslaglegging…

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CJEU Undermines Software Online Sales Model

In a groundbreaking judgment of 3 July 2012, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) seriously undermined the online sales model used by sof…

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Cross border injunctions allowed by the Court of Justice of the EU in patent cases

In its long awaited decision in Solvay v. Honeywell, the Court of Justice of the EU allows the owners of a European patent to obtain preliminary measu…

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An author of software cannot oppose the resale of his ‘used’ licences

The exhaustion of the distribution right does not only apply where the copyright holder markets copies of his software on a material medium but also w…

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New Cookie Rules Implemented in Belgium

The Electronic Communications Act of 13 June 2005 was recently amended in order to implement, amongst other provisions, the new European rules on the …

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ECJ Endorses Interim Cross-border Injunctions in Patent Cases

On 12 July 2012, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) confirmed the admissibility of interim cross-border injunctions in patent disputes…

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On 11 July 2012, the European Commission has published a proposal for a Directive on collecting societies and multi-territorial licensing of rights in…

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New Bill Amending Various Rules on Data Protection and Electronic Communications

On 5 April 2012, a new bill amending various provisions concerning Electronic Communications (the "Bill") was submitted to the Belgian Parliament. The…

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ECJ Rejects Chocolate Rabbit Trade Mark

In a judgment delivered on 24 May 2012, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the “ECJ”) confirmed a judgment of the General Court of the Europe…

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ECJ Refuses Trade Marks Freeriding on Reputation of Botox

On 10 May 2012, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) upheld a judgment of the General Court (“GC”) which had dismissed actions brought b…

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