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It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!
On 23 January 2014, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) issued a judgment in response to a request from the Tribunale di Milano (“Milan Court of Fir…
Read MoreThe European Court of Justice acknowledged the right to be forgotten. But is it really that easy to implement this principle?
Read MoreThe Belgian Privacy Commission (“BPC”) recently addressed the privacy implications concerning the use of dashboard cameras (“dashcams”) in cars.
Read MoreThe draft directive introduces a common definition of trade secrets, as well as a means by which victims of trade secret misappropriation can seek red…
Read MoreOn 6 June 2014, Belgium deposited its instrument of ratification to the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court, joining Sweden, France, Denmark and Aus…
Read MoreThe CJEU held that the reproduction of copyright-protected content on users’ screens and cached on users’ computers while web browsing does not consti…
Read MoreSuccessful trademarks may become generic and lose their exclusive trademark status. This was once more confirmed by the Court of Justice of the EU in …
Read MoreOn 8 April 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union ("ECJ") handed down a judgment on two references for a preliminary ruling from the High Co…
Read MoreQui effectue une recherche sur une personne dans un moteur de recherche ne peut être que continuellement étonné par l'incroyable quantité d'informatio…
Read MoreThe objective of these two acts is to codify the existing legislation in relation to intellectual property (patents for inventions, supplementary prot…
Read MoreDe wereldbeker is inmiddels gestart en zowat elk bedrijf in België probeert zijn graantje mee te pikken van het, althans toch voorlopig, succes van on…
Read MoreOn 13 May 2014, the CJEU issued an important decision regarding data protection law and internet search engines. The CJEU ruled that an internet searc…
Read MoreHet Hof van Justitie van de EU heeft in een belangrijk arrest het ‘recht om vergeten te worden’ erkend. Volgens het Hof kan men in bepaalde omstandigh…
Read MoreOok dit jaar zal de Belgische Privacycommissie deelnemen aan een zogenaamde “sweep” in het kader van het Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN). He…
Read MoreHet beschermen van uw reputatie op het internet, ook dit behoort tot het takenpakket van uw advocaat! Vanaf heden, 13 mei 2014, heeft het Hof van Just…
Read MoreIn hoeverre kun je op het internet hyperlinken naar de inhoud van andere sites? De meeste mensen zien daar geen graten in, en beschouwen hyperlinks al…
Read MoreLa loi du 28 novembre 2000, entrée en vigueur en février 2001, a introduit dans le code pénal diverses infractions en matière de criminalité informati…
Read MoreIn a landmark ruling the European Court of Justice ruled on May 13, 2014 that search engines, as a principle, need to remove the link between search r…
Read MoreDeze checklist is bedoeld als een handige tool in het geval u geconfronteerd zou worden met een inval van de BSA. De BSA - Business Software Alliance…
Read MoreIf you are a trademark owner, and you find that someone else has registered a domain name that is identical or confusingly similar to your trademark, …
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