

For Producers

  • adapted balancing tariffs (correction factor up to 125 MWh) for new producers (i.e. having less than 5% of total production);
  • new regulation on supply of ancillary services (per MW for respectively primary, secondary and tertiary reserves);
  • tender procedure organised by the Energy Minister to attract new investments in production capacity.

For Suppliers

  • quarterly indexation only for supply to residential consumers, with indexation formula and parameters to be notified to CREG;
  • creation by CREG of databank on supply contracts and conditions;
  • one-stop shop principle for supply;
  • new forms of pricing regulation with administrative fines;
  • legal confirmation that industrial consumers can be supplied by various suppliers on a single off-take point and conclude contracts accordingly.

For Traders

  • new legal definition of energy derivatives;
  • increased transparency requirements on data exchange and invoicing;
  • reference to impact of former take-or-pay gas contracts (concluded before August 2003).

For Network operators

  • obligation to improve market integration, including the establishment of new congestion methods with interconnected network operators;
  • modified presence of Government representatives in the corporate structures;
  • increased protection of commercially sensible information.

For Regulators

  • amendments to regulatory powers of CREG;
  • new parameters and procedure for elaboration of network use and balancing tariff methodology;
  • reporting by CREG on cost of offshore green certificates;
  • explicit references to European commission and ACER.

For Public Authorities

  • increased competences attributed to Energy Administration to elaborate policy documents on security of supply;
  • shift of certain competences from CREG to Energy Administration;
  • organisation of tender procedure for new generation capacity-Master Plan expected before July 2012.

For Industrial Consumers

  • regularisation period of 6 months to comply with closed distribution system requirements;
  • specific provision for railway infrastructur

These new legal provisions are the result of alleged lengthy sector consultation and parliamentary debates. Whether the final wording of these provisions - and their apparent formal flaws - meets the expectations of all market players involved is highly questionable. The coming 6 months period will be decisive in this respect.
