
Unlimited income for pensioners since 1 January 2015

From now on, a pensioner having reached the age of 65 (or having worked for at least 45 years at the time of their retirement as an employee, self-employed, official, etc.) can combine professional income with their pension(s), without any limitation. A royal decree was adopted in this regard on 20 January 2015 and subsequently published in the Official Gazette, thus fulfilling a promise made by the Michel Government. The royal decree entered into force on 1 January 2015 with retroactive effect.

Under the previous regime, the income of a pensioner who wanted to continue carrying out a professional activity after their retirement was subject to a certain limitation, failing which their pension was partly or entirely reduced (unless they were 65 years old and had worked for 42 years). The new conditions are therefore softer.

However, the current regulation maintains a limitation on the income of pensioners under 65 years old or who have not worked for 45 years, although the thresholds have been slightly increased. Moreover, as of 1 January 2015, pensioners whose income exceeds the thresholds set by the government will only face a reduction of their pension on a pro rata basis, and for the entire calendar year (even if the activity is carried out for part of the year). Previously, an excess of more than 25% automatically resulted in a total suspension of the pension.
