
Energy e-Newsletter 2nd half 2012

e-Newsletter Energy & Utilities Belgium and The Netherlands

This is the first Energy & Utilities Newsletter which highlights the main developments in the energy field in both the Netherlands and Belgium. The highlights have been collected by the Energy & Utilities teams of NautaDutilh's offices in Rotterdam and Brussels. The newsletter will be published quarterly.

  • Act implementing EU directives and regulations relating to electricity and gas (NL)
  • Sustainable Energy Surcharge Act (Wet opslag duurzame energie) (NL)
  • Congestion Management (Electricity) Decree (Besluit congestiemanagement elektriciteit) (NL)
  • Reduction in renewable energy subsidies (BE)
  • Bill to amend the Electricity Act 1998, the Gas Act and the Heating Supply Act (NL)
  • New rules with respect to indexation parameters for suppliers and other energy-related statutory changes (BE)
  • Policy letter by the Flemish energy minister (2012-2013 Policy Priorities) (23 October 2012) (BE)
  • Guidelines on certain State aid measures in the context of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme
  • Entry into force of Energy Efficiency Directive on 4 December 2012
  • Judgments by Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal on system services tariff (NL)
  • Judgments by Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal on gas transport tariffs charged by Gas Transport Services B.V. (NL)
  • Judgment 135/2012 of the Constitutional Court of 30 October 2012 on the injection of green power onto the transmission grid (BE)
  • Judgment 89/2012 of the Constitutional Court of 12 July 2012 on the exemption from injection tariffs for renewable electricity. Charging of a grid fee to small-scale or decentralised power plants (BE)
  • Binding instruction to TenneT regarding maintenance of single-failure reserve (NL)
  • Decision in dispute between Sapa Profiles and Liander: periodic connection tariffs (NL)NMa upholds decision that it is not competent to rule on Dobbestroom/Enexis dispute (NL)

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