Our ambition is to ensure the stability of the Luxembourg financial sector, to protect financial consumers and to promote a financial market which is fair, transparent and safe. The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) acts exclusively in the public interest and all of our employees contribute to maintaining the safeness and soundness of the financial industry, one of the main drivers of the Luxembourg economy.
Beyond the national scope, the CSSF is also characterized by a strong European and international exposure. Our employees participate in international working groups and collaborate with other European authorities with the aim of promoting a stable financial industry on a European and international level.
The division which is part of the “Innovation, Payments, Market Infrastructures and Governance” department, is responsible for financial market infrastructures, in particular in the context of CSDR, EMIR and SFTR, for the coordination of ESMA related tasks, as well as for international and regulatory aspects related to market infrastructures. In the context of CSDR, the division is responsible for the authorisation of CSDs and the supervision of regulatory and reporting obligations on settlement discipline and internalised settlement. In the context of EMIR and SFTR, the division is responsible for the supervision of the regulatory and reporting obligations of non-financial counterparties. The division represents the CSSF within national and international groups covering financial market infrastructure topics.