Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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Brussels School of Governance (VUB) logo
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Nieuwe LLM-opportuniteit in België: VUB-BSoG transformeert haar LLM naar avondonderwijs en kond…

De Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) heeft een belangrijke herziening aangekondigd van haar Engelstalige LLM in International and Europea…

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Brussels Court of Appeal Prohibits the Rebranding of a Gener…

The Judgment of the Brussels Court of Appeal is the latest development in t…

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Belgium gears up to enforce the EU Deforestation Regulation

The EU Deforestation Regulation (‘EUDR’) was published in the Official Jour…

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Wij publiceren dagelijks gratis meerdere juridische artikels geschreven door advocatenkantoren, notarissen, tax consultants, en de juridische diensten van sociale secretariaten.

Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Gerecht van de EU bevestigt Lundbeck beslissing van de Europese Commissie in eerste pay-for-delay zaak

Op 8 september 2016 heeft het Gerecht van de EU voor de eerste maal een oordeel geveld in een pay-for-delay zaak in de farmaceutische sector. Zij beve…

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The European Commission orders Ireland to recover illegal tax benefits worth up to €13 billion from Apple

On 30 August 2016, the European Commission concluded that two tax rulings issued by Ireland in 1991 and 2007 to Apple constituted State aid.…

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Echtgenoten kunnen opnieuw hun hele huwelijksvermogen aan de langstlevende nalaten zonder dat hetzelfde deel tweemaal belast zal worden. De Vlaamse be…

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Privacy authorities remain concerned about the Privacy Shield

The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (“WP29”) remain concerned about the recently adopted Privacy Shield as follows from their recent statemen…

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European Commission’s in-depth investigation into Luxembourg’s alleged fiscal aid in favour of GDF Suez

On 19 September, the European Commission opened an in-depth investigation into Luxembourg’s alleged fiscal aid in favour of the GDF Suez group. Follow…

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The European Commission orders Ireland to recover illegal tax benefits worth up to €13 billion from Apple

On 30 August 2016, the European Commission concluded that two tax rulings issued by Ireland in 1991 and 2007 to Apple constituted State aid.…

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Budget 2017: New tax measures announced – Corporate tax reform reconfirmed but not yet decided

In the framework of the budget for 2017, the Federal Government reached an agreement on several tax measures. You will find a brief overview of w…

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European Commission puts price signalling on the agenda

On 31 August 2016, the European Commission published its decision rendering the commitments offered by fourteen container liner shipping com…

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The EUR 357 million fine imposed by the Commission on Pilkington Group for its participation in the so-called …

The EUR 357 million fine imposed by the Commission on Pilkington Group for its participation in the so-called “car glass cartel” has been confirmed by…

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Please Pardon Our Tax Sins: New Tax Amnesty

At NautaDutilh, we have extensive experience assisting clients with tax regularisation as the Belgian government has already allowed, on a number of o…

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Court of Justice ends Pilkington's fight against fine in the car glass cartel

On 7 September 2016, the Court of Justice dismissed the appeal by various entities of the Pilkington group ("Pilkington") concerning its rol…

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The Commission has ordered Ireland to recover up to EUR 13 billion granted to Apple as illegal state aid

The European Commission has found that Ireland granted undue tax benefits by allowing Apple to pay significantly less taxes than other companies from …

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GDPR Series: Part 1

This series provides more detailed insight into the General Data Protection Regulation, which was published on 4 May 2016 and will have to be complied…

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Assurance-vie liée à un fonds dédié: deux rulings bienvenus

Le législateur a fini par se lasser des savants montages de défiscalisation et a trouvé plusieurs remèdes.

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How The Reputation of Tax Specialists Has Been Changed by Recent Events

On 6 November 2014, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists sent shockwaves through the public by publishing information about more …

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Commission ́s initial findings on the e-commerce sector inquiry have identified certain business practices tha…

In May 2015, the European Commission launched the e-commerce sector inquiry in order to identify potential competition concerns in European e-commerce…

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L'affaire Nyrstar et le rejet des intérêts d'un emprunt de 450 millions d'euros

Il arrive souvent qu'une entreprise contracte un emprunt pour financer une distribution de dividendes ou une réduction de capital. L'interrogation du …

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Un agenda européen pour l'économie collaborative

Op 2 juni 2016 heeft de Europese Commissie een medeling, met als titel « een Europese agenda voor de collaboratieve economie” aangenomen.

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Confusing Conservation Measures with Compensatory Measures May Adversely Affect Planned Development of the Ant…

On 21 July 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) handed down an important preliminary ruling in the Orleans case, which concerns the…

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The adverse impact of the automatic exchange of information for Russians holding bank accounts in Belgium and …

On 12 May 2016, Russia joined the OECD Automatic Exchange of Information Agreement on the introduction of the automatic exchange of information in tax…

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