Nieuws & Publicaties

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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ebl-redsky logo
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New counsel at ebl-redsky

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel.

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Affluo logo
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Affluo breidt uit met een nieuwe partner en vestiging in Hasselt

Met veel enthousiasme verwelkomde Affluo op 1 september een nieuwe partner. Erwin Jennen is een ervaren advocaat en tevens erkend bemiddelaar in het ondernemingsrecht met een bijzo…

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Lydian logo
Recent changes to the Belgian Code of Companies and Associat…

The “Law of 27 March 2024 on the digitisation of justice and miscellaneous …

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CSDDD: How does it impact my business?

On 24 April 2024, the European Parliament approved the Directive on corpora…

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

Debt-to-equity swaps in the context of reorganisation proceedings and the transposition of the EU Directive on…

When a company faces financial distress, concessions are to be made and decisions to be taken in view of its turnaround. In the ordinary course of bus…

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Boring Boilerplates Can Create the Perfect Storm

Boilerplates are easily overlooked and neglected in M&A agreements as they typically cover the boring stuff. Most parties assume boilerplates are …

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The EU Recovery Prospectus: a useful tool?

In February 2021, a new short-form prospectus was introduced in the EU regulatory framework aimed at supporting recovery from the business and financi…

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No automatic liability for directors who do not ring the alarm bell

On 16 September 2021, the Antwerp Court of Appeal ruled on the liability of the directors of a company that did not respect the so-called ‘alarm bell …

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Direct Lending

Direct lending constitutes the provision of credit directly (i.e., without an intermediary) to middle-market companies, mainly for the purpose of fina…

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La nouvelle gouvernance des SRL en dix questions

Le nouveau Code des sociétés et des associations (CSA) a ouvert des portes en matière de gouvernance des sociétés à responsabilité limitée.

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Investment Funds in Belgium: choose the right type!

An investment fund is an undertaking which (i) does not have a general commercial or industrial purpose, (ii) pools together capital raised from its i…

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Conditions Subsequent - Underestimated Dealbreakers

In these times of uncertainty, parties are increasingly stipulating more conditions in transaction documentation. Conditions subsequent have the oppos…

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Private Equity Funds in Belgium: the Case of the Private Privak/Pricaf Privée

Private equity funds, or so called Private Privaks/Pricafs Privées, have gained enormous popularity in Belgium during the last couple of years. T…

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Successfully Tapping into Today’s Sellers’ Market

The current M&A market - except for some hard-hit sectors - is bullish with a strong sellers’ market. There’s certainly an impressive uptick in de…

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Steering from the backseat

Investors who wish to control a company usually do so by exerting their authority over the directors whom the general meeting (GM) appointed upon the …

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The four facets of the European Commission’s proposal for a(n) AML/CFT package

On 20 July 2021 the European Commission published the long-awaited package of legislative proposals, in implementation of the Commission Action Plan o…

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New rules on pre-marketing of funds in Belgium

Alternative investment fund managers (“AIFMs”) that wish to examine to what extent investors are open to a certain investment idea or investment strat…

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Belgian Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register: deadline for uploading supporting documents expires August 31, 202…

All Belgian companies, foundations, non-profit organizations, fiduciaries and trusts must submit information about their ultimate beneficial owners to…

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Belgian Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register - Deadline

Belgian Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register: Deadline for Uploading Supporting Documents Expires August 31, 2021

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Phishing : de bank is aansprakelijk

"Phishing kostte Belgen 34 miljoen euro", "FOD Financiën waarschuwt voor frauduleuze mails: 'Niet reageren'", "Ook Test Aankoop waarschuwt voor phishi…

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UBO Register: Reminder of the formalities to be completed before 31 August 2021

The Royal Decree on the operating modalities of the UBO register (amended on 23 September 2020) requires information providers (i.e. companies, associ…

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Opgepast, de Kamer voor Ondernemingen in Moeilijkheden kijkt toe!

Ook de Belgische economie blijft niet ongespaard door de Covid-19 crisis. De verwachting is dat in 2021 en 2022 nog meer ondernemingen met financiële …

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UBO - Naderende deadline voor het registreren van aanvullende informatie

Krachtens het koninklijk besluit van 23 september 2020 moeten de entiteiten die verplicht zijn hun uiteindelijke begunstigden (Ultimate Beneficial Own…

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The Digital Incorporation and Mandate Registration of Legal Entities

The Law of 12 July 2021 introduces two novelties regarding the use of digital instruments in the Belgian legal landscape. 

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