Nieuws & Publicaties

Blijf op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en wat er leeft binnen de juridische sector in België

CMS Belgium logo
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CMS has welcomed a new partner in its corporate and M&A practice in Brussels

CMS is pleased to announce that Philippe Hendrickx will join the Firm as a Partner as of 1 October 2024. Philippe specialises in corporate law, in particular mergers and acquisitio…

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Monard Law logo
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Monard strengthens its Insolvency and Restructuring team

Monard law welcomes a new member to its Insolvency and Restructuring team. Jente Dengler has joined the firm as of October 1, 2024.

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Changement important concernant l’assujettissement à la loi anti-blanchiment des avocats qui ex…

Le Bâtonnier de l’Ordre néerlandais du Barreau de Bruxelles a récemment interrogé la CTIF sur l’éventuel assujettissement d’un avocat qui agit, pour une personne protégée, via un m…

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Andersen  logo
Bestuurders kunnen binnenkort persoonlijk aansprakelijk word…

Zoals in het eerste gedeelte van onze artikelenreeks over de afschaffing va…

Strelia logo
Private Equity Side Letters – Harmless Paper or Silent Power…

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Wij publiceren dagelijks gratis meerdere juridische artikels geschreven door advocatenkantoren, notarissen, tax consultants, en de juridische diensten van sociale secretariaten.

Het is de perfecte manier voor advocaten, bedrijfsjuristen, paralegals, fiscalisten, notarissen, gerechtsdeurwaarders, en elke andere juridische professional, om op de hoogte te blijven van wetgevende initiatieven, nieuwe rechtspraak en rechtsleer.

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Meer Nieuws & Publicaties

La Belgique transpose la 5ème Directive anti-blanchiment… et assujettit le secteur du football professionnel&n…

Ce jeudi 16 juillet 2020, la Chambre des représentants a entériné le projet de loi « portant des dispositions diverses relatives à la prévention …

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EU Parliament adopts Taxonomy Regulation

In recent years the European Union has paid increasing attention to sustainability in its policy- making particularly in the financial sector

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Acting for and Against a General Partnership Before the Courts

The Code of Companies and Associations (CCA) abolished the joint venture (société momentanée/tijdelijke vennootschap) and the silent partnership (soci…

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Einde coronabeschermingsregeling voor ondernemingen – de gerechtelijke reorganisatie als redmiddel ter vermijd…

`De regering voerde bij K.B. van 24 april 2020 een tijdelijke beschermingsregeling in om ondernemingen, die betalingsmoeilijkheden ondervonden te…

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ESMA consults on new rules for Cloud arrangements

On 3 June 2020, ESMA published a Consultation Paper (“CP” which is available here) on draft guidelines for outsourcing to cloud service providers…

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Royal Decree No 4: Introducing flexibility without losing sight of the rights of shareholders

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus, various questions have been raised regarding the organisation …

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Calculation of the Majority at Partner and Shareholder Meetings

Calculation of the majority at partner and shareholder meetings is not always easy. Fortunately, the Code of Companies and Associations (CCA) has clar…

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How Silent Is the Silent Partnership

The silent partnership does not exist as a distinct corporate form in the new Code of Companies and Associations (CCA). This type of entity is now a v…

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“Staakt het vuren verlengd – moratorium op faillissementen en uitvoeringsmaatregelen nog minstens tot 17 juni …

Op 24 april 2020 trad een moratorium op uitvoeringsmaatregelen vanwege schuldeisers en faillietverklaring of gerechtelijke ontbinding in wer…

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Holding board meetings by video conference or teleconference

The Code of Companies and Associations (CCA) does not mention the possibility to hold board meetings by video conference or teleconference. Traditiona…

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First Significant Amendments to the Code of Companies and Associations (CCA)

The Act of 28 April 2020 (the "Act") amends the CCA in order to align it to the requirements of the Shareholder Rights Directive (see the newslet…

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Covid-19 – New temporary protective measures for enterprises in difficulty

The Federal Government has adopted new protective measures for enterprises affected by the COVID-19 crisis in the Royal Decree n°15 of 24 April 2020 (…

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Update on B2B loan payment deferral and unilateral termination

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Royal Decree number 15: Covid-19 crisis and suspension of execution

On the 24 April 2020, the Royal Decree number 15, regarding the temporary suspension in favour of undertakings of executive measures and other measure…

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Covid-19: Un sursis temporaire de paiement pour les entreprises en difficulté

Dans le cadre de ses pouvoirs spéciaux, le gouvernement a pris un Arrêté royal n°15 instituant un sursis temporaire de paiement pour les ent…

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Een algemene opschorting voor ondernemingen die getroffen zijn door de COVID-19-crisis

Vandaag, 24 april 2020, verscheen in het Belgisch Staatsblad het Koninklijk Besluit nummer 15 betreffende de tijdelijke opschorting ten voordele …

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Covid-19: Duties and liabilities of directors in times of crisis

The health crisis we are experiencing and the restrictive measures adopted to limit its spread are and will be deeply affecting businesses. With all t…

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COVID-19: Exceptional measures facilitating the functioning of corporate bodies in Belgium

Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of corporate entities are facing difficulty to organise their ordinary shareholders meetings…

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Impact of the corona crisis on the legality of dividends

The corona crisis is putting the financial position of numerous companies under severe pressure. As a result, many companies are cancelling their plan…

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Versoepelde regels voor algemene vergaderingen tijdens COVID-19-crisis

COVID-19 stuurt de organisatie van jaarvergaderingen flink in de war. Gelet op de dwingende veiligheidsmaatregelen is het zo goed als onmogelijk om fy…

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