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On 23 December 2020, the Belgian DPA published two documents in relation to the Litigation Chamber's approach to decisions on GDPR infringements: one …
Lees MeerOm geldig te zijn moet een merk onderscheidend vermogen hebben: het merk moet voor de consument de waren en diensten van een bepaalde onderneming duid…
Lees MeerIn September 2020, the European Commission adopted the Digital Finance Package, including a digital finance strategy and legislative proposals on…
Lees MeerThe use of mobile applications (“apps”) for health, lifestyle, and general well-being, has significantly increased over the last five years, and is st…
Lees MeerLe 31 janvier dernier, le Royaume-Uni a officiellement quitté l’Union Européenne. Cependant, l’accord de retrait, entré en vigueur le 1er février…
Lees MeerDe Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit behandelde een dossier na aangifte door een Belgische onderneming van een gegevenslek.
Lees MeerOp 1 december 2020 is het eerste deel van de wet van 8 juli 2018 die het beroep van octrooigemachtigde hervormt en een Belgisch Instituut vo…
Lees MeerIn recent years, insurance and reinsurance companies have taken an increasing interest in using the services of cloud service providers. This has led …
Lees MeerThe Belgian Data Protection Authority (BDPA) published on 30 November 2020 a cooperation agreement with DNS Belgium, the registry for .be, on the cons…
Lees MeerThe CJEU ruling from 16 July 2020 in the Schrems II case created a lot of uncertainty for organisations transferring personal data…
Lees MeerThe National Bank of Belgium (NBB) published 15 recommendations for (re)insurance companies that outsource to cloud service providers. These…
Lees MeerThe Court of Justice of the European Union delivers judgments regarding the concept of “communication to the public” faster than legal scholars can re…
Lees MeerOn 11 November 2020, the EDPB published (in concept) its long-awaited recommendations concerning the transfer of personal data following Schrems II. M…
Lees MeerIn het arrest Schrems II van 16 juli 2020 oordeelde het Hof van Justitie dat de doorgifte van persoonsgegevens buiten de EER (Europese Economische Rui…
Lees MeerOn 11 November, the Court of Justice of the EU (“CJEU”) rendered its judgment (Case C‑61/19) in a case (Orange România SA v. Autoritatea Naţională de …
Lees MeerYes, employee consent is possible in certain circumstances – but do not assume old processing activities fully comply. That, in summary, was the posit…
Lees MeerAfter a long, four-month wait, we finally have recommendations from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on “supplementary measures” in the conte…
Lees MeerTrademark applicants and owners often receive documents asking for payments related to a trademark or design application or renewal. Cautiousness is h…
Lees MeerAs part of the European Digital Strategy, the European Commission has announced a Digital Services Act package to strengthen the Single Market for dig…
Lees MeerA trademark which has not been put to Genuine use by its owner or an authorised third party within five years after its registration is liable to revo…
Lees Meer