
MOLITOR is a top independent law firm based in Luxembourg with a wide international network. Local and international clients rely on us for our recognised expertise in legal matters and disputes involving Luxembourg law. We pride ourselves in being a multidisciplinary firm serving all major sectors of the economy.



  • Luxemburg (land)
  • Handelsrecht en contracten
  • Vennootschapsrecht
  • Fiscaal recht
  • Publiek- & administratief recht
  • Geschillen en arbitrage/bemiddeling
  • Intellectuele eigendom
  • Arbeidsrecht en sociale zekerheid
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Law of 24 july 2024 on transparent and predictable working conditions

Directive n°2019/1152 voted by the European Parliament on 20 June 2019 (the “Directive”) is part of the European Parliament’s desire to require employ…

Who says fashion can’t be sustainable?

Consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious and focused on sustainability, especially within the fashion industry, which accounts fo…

La réforme du droit d’établissement entre en vigueur le 1er septembre prochain ! Le point sur les principales …

Publiée le 28 août 2023 au Journal officiel du Grand-Duché, la loi du 26 juillet 2023 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 2 septembre 2011 régl…