A&O Shearman

A&O Shearman is a new global industry-leading law firm, with nearly 50 offices in 29 countries worldwide. Our fluency in English law, U.S. law, and the laws of the world’s most dynamic markets, enables us to provide unmatched insight and seamless delivery to clients. They work on challenging and important deals and disputes that have the potential to shape the future.

Whether you're helping clients solve complex challenges, transforming the ways we manage our business, or ensuring the smooth-running of our operations, this is an environment where you can belong and excel.

  • Brussel
  • Handelsrecht en contracten
  • Vennootschapsrecht
  • Burgerlijk recht
  • Fiscaal recht
  • Publiek- & administratief recht
  • Vastgoedrecht
  • Geschillen en arbitrage/bemiddeling
  • Bank- en financieel recht
  • Intellectuele eigendom
  • Verzekeringsrecht
  • Toezicht & regelgeving (financieel)
  • Vermogensplanning
  • Gegevensbescherming & privacy
  • Investeringsfondsen
  • Employee benefits & pensioenen
  • Technologie, media en telecommunicatie
  • Strafrecht
  • Europees recht
  • M&A / Private equity
  • Energie
  • Mededingingsrecht
  • Transportrecht
  • Omgevingsrecht
  • Arbeidsrecht en sociale zekerheid
  • Andere
  • Medisch recht en life sciences
  • Insolventie & Faillissement
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