
Ariga is a team of curious, dedicated and enthusiast lawyers in Brussels with as guiding motto being a source of legal solutions and inspiration for all your business needs.

No dispute or legal questions is too big or too small. Size is not what matters to us. We work with clients of all sizes from multinationals to start-ups.  

What matters to us is that we bring value to you by providing pragmatic and clever solutions to manage and relieve the burden of your legal concerns and that you inspire us by the challenges your business is facing.

Our strength is to see the forest through the trees, to dive into your business, technology and specific sector to understand your personalised needs and interests, always keeping an open eye and mindset.  



  • Brussel
  • Handelsrecht en contracten
  • Vennootschapsrecht
  • Publiek- & administratief recht
  • Geschillen en arbitrage/bemiddeling
  • Intellectuele eigendom
  • Technologie, media en telecommunicatie
  • Europees recht
  • Andere
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