24 April
The pension reform and harmonisation of worker-employee statuses, planned for 2027, represent significant challenges for companies and professionals. These transformations, combined with recent tax developments, the increase in the return guarantee, and ESG requirements, call for precise analysis and tailored solutions to anticipate the impacts and capitalise on the opportunities.
With precise analyses, practical advice, and discussions with experts, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the challenges and concrete tools to take effective action.
*This a bilingual conference,each speaker will present in their native language, either Dutch (NL) or French (FR).
Deepen your understanding of 5 key topics
Use a unique platform to connect with experts and expand your professional network.
HR Directors, Compensation & Benefits Managers, Management, Board Members, Lawyers, Compliance Officers, Actuaries, Tax Advisors, Product Managers, Risk Managers, Asset Managers, Product Managers, etc.
24 April
07:00 - 15:00
FSMA - 500.138 Compliance, Assurance
Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie
Av. Louise 1050 Brussels, 91/93
1050, Brussels