


Within the joint committee n° 218 (the National Auxiliary Joint Committee for White-Collar Workers), the sector agreement was signed on 19 September 2011.

The above mentioned sector agreement is contained in 4 CBA's.

The CBA of 19 September 2011 concluded in the framework of the Act of 26 July 1996 and the R.D. of 28 March 2011 (with regard to the so-called ‘wage norm') seems to be the most important one and can be summarized as follows:

- As of 1 January 2012, both the salary scales and the actual wages are to be increased by 0,3%. This means that within joint committee n° 218 the maximum authorized wage increase has been agreed upon. Within companies with a trade union delegation the effective wage increase can be replaced by an equivalent benefit.
In addition to this, the ordinary indexation rules continue to apply. Consequently, on 1 January 2012, an indexation of wages is more than likely to take place.

- There are some changes with regard to the entitlement to an end of year premium. These changes will take effect retroactively as of 1 January 2011.

- The ecocheques system is extended for an indefinite term. Employers who granted ecocheques in June 2011 for the reference period June 2010 - May 2011 (the reference period for the allocation of ecocheques within joint committee n° 218 corresponds to the period of 12 months running from June of the previous calendar year until and including May of the relevant calendar year. The ecocheques are paid in the month of June following the reference period) have the opportunity to convert the ecocheques system into another equivalent benefit before 31 October 2011. New employers who have to grant ecocheques for the first time in 2012, can make use of this opportunity before 31 May 2012.

- The employer's contribution to public transport organized by Belgian Railways will be 80% as from 1 July 2012 (currently this contribution amounts to 75 % on average). The employer's and employees' representatives recommend employers to enter into a direct settlement system with the Belgian Railways.

Apart from the above mentioned CBA, the sector agreement contains 3 other CBA's, namely:

- a CBA with regard to education;

- a CBA which provides for the extension of the existing sector regulation with regard to early retirement within the legal limits concerning age and professional past until (and including) 31 December 2013, except for the regulation concerning early retirement as of the age of 56 which is only extended until and including 31 December 2012;

- a CBA which provides for the extension of the sectoral regulation concerning time-credit until and including 31 December 2013.

For further information, contact: employment@liedekerke.com
