

2009, a CBA concerning ecocheques was entered into within the Joint Committee 218 (the Belgian Auxiliary Joint Committee for white-collar workers). This CBA provides that as of 2010, ecocheques for the amount of 250 EUR per year must be granted to full-time employees with a
complete reference period.

The CBA was concluded for an indefinite term. The employers' and employees' representatives agreed, however, to evaluate the system of ecocheques before 30 April 2011. As part of that evaluation, it could be decided whether the system of ecocheques would be maintained after 2010, or would be replaced by another benefit.

We were informed by the president of the Joint Committee 218 that no such evaluation took place. Consequently, the system of ecocheques continues to apply and ecocheques must also be granted in 2011. Also the amount would remain unchanged. Anyhow, the so-called wage norm for 2011 does not allow for an increase of the amount (see also one of our following Headlines).

Employers who are obliged to grant ecocheques, have an interest in planning this already, so that the ecocheques can be ordered in due time. Within Joint Committee 218, the ecocheques must be granted in the course of June.

The above does not apply to employers who have opted at company level before 30 October 2009 to grant an alternative, provided that this measure continues to apply in 2011. Employers pertaining to another Joint Committee and who have questions concerning the obligation to grant ecocheques within their Joint Committee, can, of course, always contact us.
