
Extension of EU Regulation 883/2004 to third country nationals

Since the entry into force on 1 January 2011 of EU Regulation 1231/2010, EU rules relating to social security systems coordination also apply to third country nationals, i.e. non-EU nationals. This Regulation ensures that such nationals, who are legal residents in the EU and work in cross-border circumstances, are subject to the same rules as those applicable to European citizens, i.e. the provisions of EU-Regulation 883/2004 and EU-Regulation 987/2009.

However, both Denmark (as with EU Regulation 1408/71) and the UK have decided not to adopt Regulation 1231/2010.

For the UK, this means that the previous EU Regulation 1408/71 will continue to apply in multiple employment situations where third country nationals are involved.

For Denmark, either bilateral treaties (if any) or the national legislation of countries involved will govern employment situations with third country nationals.
