News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Legal interest rate for 2024

The legal interest rate for 2024 increases to 5.75%.

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Malissa Begtas joins the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team at Taylor Wessing in Brussels…

Starting from 1 December 2023, counsel Malissa Begtas will be joining the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team of Taylor Xessing in Brussels. With over a decade of experience i…

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Inger De Wilde joins Eubelius as Of Counsel

Inger De Wilde has joined Eubelius as Of Counsel. She will strengthen the Employment team headed by Liesbet Vandenplas.

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Nieuwe registratieplicht voor werkgevers in de Federal Learn…

Depuis la loi du 3 octobre 2022 portant des dispositions diverses relatives…

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Internal investigations: an employee’s right to be assisted …

The Supreme Court clarifies… but is already overruled by recent legislative…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Recht op deconnectie verplicht in cao of arbeidsreglement

Door het wetsontwerp houdende diverse arbeidsbepalingen dat de uitvoering is van de zogenaamde “arbeidsdeal” en dat op dit ogenblik in behandeling is …

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Nouvelles règles applicables en cas d’« exploitation » d’une œuvre protégée par le droit d’auteur

En vigueur depuis le 1er août 2022, les articles XI.167/1 à XI.167/6 du Code de droit économique qui transposent en droit belge la directive européenn…

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Can an employer oblige certain sick employees to present themselves spontaneously to the control doctor?

On 23 May 2022, the Labour Court of Brussels ruled on the obligation of spontaneous presentation to the control doctor for employees whose absence due…

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Stricter rules for posting of workers to Belgium

Last month, we discussed the new Act holding various provisions with respect to the posting of drivers in the road transport sector (hereafter: the Ac…

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Employment & Benefits Summer series - Part III: The Belgian Labour Deal - Employee Training

Strelia’s Summer Series on the Belgian Labour Deal aims to give companies a general overview of the government’s measures to reform the labour market.…

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A new special social security contribution should discourage companies from excessively using successive daily…

On 19 July 2022, the National Labour Council’s social partners proposed introducing a new responsibility mechanism to financially penal…

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Belgium’s new measures on employee illness – headaches for employers?

If I were to rank the employment law questions I receive by popularity, questions around long-term absence, absenteeism and generally how to deal with…

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Constitutional Court rules on the suspension of a criminal penalty for legal entities in social law affairs

In a judgement of 23 June 2022, the Belgian Constitutional Court ruled that the impossibility for a criminal court to fully or partially suspend (‘uit…

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The Belgian transposition of the EU Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions: next steps fo…

The transposition of the Directive 2019/1152 on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union (the Directive) is not yet comple…

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Act on posting of drivers in the road transport sector entered into force

Earlier this summer, the Act holding various provisions with respect to the posting of drivers in the road transport sector entered into force. This A…

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Are foreign employers who post workers to Belgium obliged to proceed with a DIMONA obligation: what has the Be…

In a ruling of 19 April 2022, the Belgian Supreme Court decided that an A1-certificate issued by a competent foreign authority to a posted worker does…

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Neutraliteitsbeleid ook voor backoffice werknemers?

Bepaalde ondernemingen of organisaties wensen een neutraal imago te tonen ten aanzien van derden (klanten, leveranciers,…) en kiezen daarvoor om hun f…

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Employment in Belgium after Brexit

On 31 December 2020 the United Kingdom left the European Union, which resulted in the end of the right of free movement of British nationals and emplo…

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The Belgian Government’s ‘labour deal’: the final draft of the bill is presented to Parliament

As announced and presented in our blog of 21 February 2022, the Belgian government reached an agreement in February 2022 on the ‘Labour Deal’, wh…

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Social inspections update – 2022 action plan to combat social fraud

Last month, the Council of Ministers approved the Social Intelligence and Investigation Service’s (SIIS) 2022 action plan to combat social fraud.

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Employment & Benefits Summer series - Part I : The Belgian Labour Deal - Work-life balance

Strelia’s Summer Series on the Belgian Labour Deal aims to give companies a general overview of the government’s measures to reform the labour market.…

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Employment & Benefits Summer series - Part II: The Belgian Labour Deal - Transition Path and Promotion of …

Strelia’s Summer Series on the Belgian Labour Deal aims to give companies a general overview of the government’s measures to reform the labour market.…

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Recent developments regarding the Belgian "Labour Deal"

Shortly before Summer, the Belgian government finally reached a final governmental agreement on 17 June 2022, on the so-called “labour deal” that was …

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Work incapacity and reintegration: 4 upcoming key measures

On 10 June 2022, the Council of Ministers approved a bill and three draft royal decrees that will enact a series of measures relating to employees’ in…

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Definitief akkoord over arbeidsdeal: waar mag u zich aan verwachten?

Volgend op een verdeeld advies van de sociale partners over de reeds aangekondigde arbeidsdeal, bereikte de regering voorbije vrijdag een definitief a…

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