News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Legal interest rate for 2024

The legal interest rate for 2024 increases to 5.75%.

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Malissa Begtas joins the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team at Taylor Wessing in Brussels…

Starting from 1 December 2023, counsel Malissa Begtas will be joining the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team of Taylor Xessing in Brussels. With over a decade of experience i…

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Inger De Wilde joins Eubelius as Of Counsel

Inger De Wilde has joined Eubelius as Of Counsel. She will strengthen the Employment team headed by Liesbet Vandenplas.

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Nieuwe registratieplicht voor werkgevers in de Federal Learn…

Depuis la loi du 3 octobre 2022 portant des dispositions diverses relatives…

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Internal investigations: an employee’s right to be assisted …

The Supreme Court clarifies… but is already overruled by recent legislative…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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Wijzigingen aan het Nederlandse taaldecreet

Dat is het gevolg van Europese rechtspraak. Het Hof van Justitie heeft op 16 april 2013 geoordeeld dat in grensoverschrijdende arbeidsverhoudingen het…

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Heet van de naald: Grondwettelijk Hof vernietigt bestuurlijke lus RvvB

In het arrest van 8 mei 2014 (nr. 74/2014) heeft het Grondwettelijk Hof de (Vlaamse) regelgever wederom pijnlijk op de vingers getikt. Deze keer moet …

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De rechten van de werknemers

Op sociaalrechtelijk vlak, zijn er twee belangrijke wijzigingen op het vlak van de rechten van het personeel dat geconfronteerd wordt met een werkgeve…

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Taalwetgeving in Vlaanderen beperkt versoepeld

Naar aanleiding van het arrest van het Europees Hof van Justitie van 16 april 2013 [C-202/11, Anton Las t./ PSA Antwerp NV], werd het Nederlandse taal…

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The use of languages in companies: what currently happens in the case of cross-border occupations?

As a reminder, the Court of Justice of the European Union considered that the Flemish decree about the use of languages, requiring, on pain of nullity…

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Motivation for dismissal: new rules as from 1 April 2014

The introduction of an obligation to motivate the dismissal of both blue- and white-collar workers has been announced. Last month, CBA 109 introduced …

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The unified statute: checklist of the modifications to be made to social documents

The so-called “single status” of 26 December 2013 entered into force on 1 January 2014 and is subject to much debate. There is modification of the dur…

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Electronic recording of attendances on temporary or mobile work sites

From 1 April 2014, any person, whether an employee or self-employed, present on a temporary or mobile work site must register his/her attendance. This…

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Obligation to Provide Reason for Dismissal as of 1 April 2014

On 12 February 2014, the social stakeholders concluded Collective Bargaining Agreement No 109 regarding the obligation to provide a reason for dismiss…

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Collective Labor Agreement n° 109: what is going to change as from April 1st2014 in Belgian Employment Law?

Until recently, Belgium was one of the last countries in Europe where the blue and white-collar workers were treated differently, inter alia regarding…

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Het hervormde ontslagrecht na het eenheidsstatuut: HR Toolkit

Met het eenheidsstatuut worden heel wat nieuwe regels ingevoerd die een belangrijke impact zullen hebben op het HR beleid van ondernemingen. Allen &a…

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"Eenheidsstatuut aanvullende pensioenen” goedgekeurd door de Kamer

In de Kamer werd gisteren (27 maart) het wetsontwerp goedgekeurd dat een geleidelijke opheffing beoogt van de verschillen in behandeling op basis van …

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Account of the vacation pay for part-time workers

Before the end of the year, an account of the vacation pay has to be made for the workers who, during the course of the year, shifted from fulltime em…

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Obligation to Provide Reason for Dismissal as of 1 April 2014

On 12 February 2014, the social stakeholders concluded Collective Bargaining Agreement No 109 regarding the obligation to provide a reason for dismiss…

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The requirement to justify dismissal

Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) n° 109 introduces an obligation to state the reasons for dismissal.

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Et si la cotisation annuelle à charge des sociétés était déclarée illégale, de quelle manière et surtout dans quelle mesure une société pourrait-elle …

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Protection indemnities again exempt from social security contributions

Federal Government reverses measure to no longer subject protection indemnities to social security contributions.

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Protection indemnities again exempt from social security contributions

Federal Government reverses measure to no longer subject protection indemnities to social security contributions.

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Einde van ontslag zonder motief

In de nasleep van de wet op het eenheidsstatuut hebben de sociale partners een akkoord bereikt over de motiveringsplicht bij ontslag. De regeling is v…

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Guidelines for determining “residence” under EU social security coordination

The European Commission recently provided practical guidelines for determining a person’s residence country in the EU, within the framework of Regulat…

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