News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Legal interest rate for 2024

The legal interest rate for 2024 increases to 5.75%.

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Malissa Begtas joins the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team at Taylor Wessing in Brussels…

Starting from 1 December 2023, counsel Malissa Begtas will be joining the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team of Taylor Xessing in Brussels. With over a decade of experience i…

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Inger De Wilde joins Eubelius as Of Counsel

Inger De Wilde has joined Eubelius as Of Counsel. She will strengthen the Employment team headed by Liesbet Vandenplas.

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Nieuwe registratieplicht voor werkgevers in de Federal Learn…

Depuis la loi du 3 octobre 2022 portant des dispositions diverses relatives…

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Internal investigations: an employee’s right to be assisted …

The Supreme Court clarifies… but is already overruled by recent legislative…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Dismissal for serious cause: describe in detail the facts underlying the serious cause

In the event of dismissal of an employee for serious cause, the letter notifying the employee of the serious cause must describe the facts underlying …

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Onterecht ontslag wegens dringende reden van een preventieadviseur

Zoals de meeste werknemers die in de onderneming een mandaat of een opdracht hebben waarvan de uitoefening de werkgever onwelgevallig zou kunnen zijn,…

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COVID-19 – Exit-strategie: wat moet u weten als werkgever?

De federale regering heeft gisteren het zomerplan of de exit-strategie bekend gemaakt. Er zijn vier stappen gepland, maar deze stappen zijn afhankelij…

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Interesting development regarding Belgian non-compete clauses

Post-termination non-compete clauses[1] restricting employees from engaging in competing activities once they have left their employer are a freq…

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Wachtdiensten: arbeidstijd of rusttijd?

Het Europese Hof van Justitie reikt in twee arresten van 9 maart 2021 criteria aan om de arbeidsrechtelijke behandeling van wachtdiensten te bepa…

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Double holiday pay for white-collar workers - a recap

When an employee takes paid annual holidays – which he has built up during the previous calendar year – the employer will be required to pay (single a…

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Whistleblowing – A Guide to Compliance: Part 3

 A Guide to Compliance is intended to provide companies with a practical guide to help them comply with their obligations under the EU Whist…

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Kunt gij niet een uur met mij waken? Wachttijd is arbeidstijd of rusttijd

De uitoefening van bepaalde beroepsactiviteiten bestaat soms voor een groot deel uit wachten, bv. voor advocaten die hun beurt moeten afwachten om een…

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Verplichte vaccinatie op de werkvloer: vandaag gewogen en te licht bevonden

Als algemeen principe geldt dat elke burger de vrije keuze heeft om zich al dan niet te laten vaccineren. In België wordt voor de gehele bevolking op …

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Brexit - 3 months into 2021 - recap on immigration and social security

With effect as of 1 January 2021, the coordination rules on social security for new cross-border employment situations between the UK and the EU are l…

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Vlaamse aanmoedigingspremie voor mantelzorgers en drie nieuwe corona-bijdrageverminderingen

Vlaamse aanmoedigingspremie voor mantelzorgers en drie nieuwe corona-bijdrageverminderingen voor bepaalde sectoren.

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Additional and extended employment law support measures due to the Covid-19 pandemic

On 13 April, the Act of 2 April 2021 on temporary support measures due to the Covid-19 pandemic was published in the Belgian State Gazette.

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CSSF circular on governance and security requirements for teleworking

On 9 April 2021, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (the « CSSF »), the Luxembourg financial supervisory authorit…

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Do's and Don'ts for employers regarding COVID-19 vaccintation

The Belgian government’s vaccination campaign is finally coming up-to-speed. Employers are also eager to rapidly have a large number of their workers …

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Can employers ban the wearing of a headscarf?

A neutral dress code does not constitute direct discrimination, nor does it constitute indirect discrimination on the basis of religion

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Covid-19: New law grants vaccination leave to employees

On 25 March 2021, the Federal Parliament passed a law introducing vaccination leave. Under this law, employees who wish to get a vaccine during their …

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Brexit - Temporary support measures for undertakings in economic difficulties

In light of the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union on 1 January 2021 (‘Brexit’), undertakings in economic difficulties can apply for s…

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Employment - Are you ready for a Covid-19 inspection?

The Social Inspectorate is responsible for monitoring compliance with the rules on teleworking enacted to combat the spread of Covid-19.

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Stand-by time outside of the workplace to be considered as working time? ECJ gives guidelines in 2 recent judg…

In the Matzak case, the ECJ ruled that the stand-by periods that could be spent at home but with a duty for the employee to reach the workplace within…

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Télétravail – Nouvelle mesure : Enregistrement obligatoire

Le télétravail à domicile est obligatoire dans toutes les entreprises, associations, services et pour tous les membres du personnel.

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