News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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New LLM opportunity in Belgium: VUB-BSoG transforms its LLM to evening classes and announces ne…

The Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) has announced a significant overhaul of its English-taught LLM in International and European Law pr…

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Brussels Court of Appeal Prohibits the Rebranding of a Gener…

The Judgment of the Brussels Court of Appeal is the latest development in t…

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Belgium gears up to enforce the EU Deforestation Regulation

The EU Deforestation Regulation (‘EUDR’) was published in the Official Jour…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

The ECJ affirms the right to remain silent for individuals

In a recent decision, the ECJ affirms the right to remain silent for individuals prosecuted for administrative offence of a criminal nature and denies…

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Tijdelijk verlaagd btw-tarief van 6% op nieuwbouw: hoe kan u daarvan genieten?

De Belgische economie werd hard getroffen door de coronacrisis. Ook in de bouwsector ondervindt men aanzienlijke moeilijkheden en werd er een substant…

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Are French dividends now more advantageous than Belgian dividends?

On 15 October 2020, the Belgian Supreme Court has (once again) ruled in favour of the taxpayer in respect to the application of the French-Belgian DTA…

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The thin line between esports and gambling

Video games have been on the rise for a few years now. In particular, esports have been growing rapidly. The industry is now expected to reach 1.1&nbs…

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Terbeschikkingstelling overheidspersoneel aan vaccinatiecentra - wat met de BTW?

In februari werden in het hele land vaccinatiecentra opgericht in de strijd tegen de COVID-19-pandemie. In de praktijk stellen veel lokale besturen le…

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Kamer keurt de herwerkte belasting op buitenlands vastgoed goed

In onze nieuwsbrief van 3 december 2020 verduidelijkten wij reeds dat het Hof van Justitie België veroordeelde wegens ongelij…

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Tax on securities accounts 2.0 enters into force on 26 February 2021

The law on the new tax on securities accounts 2.0 has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 25 February 2021.

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Activities shut down due to COVID-19? Request a property tax reduction.

A proportional reduction in Flemish property tax may be available to companies that have experienced a significant drop in productivity (Art.…

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La nouvelle obligation déclarative des montages fiscaux agressifs : qui ? quand ? quoi ?

Depuis le 1er janvier 2021, les conseillers fiscaux et autres intermédiaires doivent communiquer aux autorités fiscales des informations sur certaines…

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New tax on securities accounts adopted

On 11 February, Belgian parliament adopted the draft bill on the new tax on securities accounts, a wealth tax. Securities accounts with an (average) v…

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Brexit: tijdelijke crisismaatregelen treden in werking op 22 maart 2021

De Belgische wetgever heeft op 6 maart 2020 een wet tot invoering van tijdelijke crisismaatregelen voor werkgevers in moeilijkheden als gevolg van de …

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EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism – A step closer towards an Energy Union?

On 15 September 2020, the European Commission adopted an implementing regulation (the "Regulation") establishing the legal framework for the Union Ren…

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Blow the whistle! New European protection for whistleblowers.

You are a CEO and one day a senior employee from the financial department asks to have a private talk with you. During the conversation, the employee …

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Belgian special tax regime for foreign executives and specialists: some changes

As a reminder, Belgium has a special tax regime for foreign executives and specialists, temporarily working in Belgium. In order to benefit from this …

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Verkoop van afgebroken en heropgebouwde woningen: voortaan met 6% btw

Sinds 1 januari 2021 geldt voor de afbraak en heropbouw van een woning het btw-tarief van 6%, ongeacht waar deze woning in België is gelegen. Ook de v…

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CJEU rules that national sports governing bodies can be subject to public procurement law

On 3 February 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued an interesting ruling in a case involving the Italian football associat…

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State Aid in Times of COVID-19: European Commission Prolongs and Expands Temporary COVID-19 State Aid Framewor…

On January 28, 2021, the European Commission adopted its Fifth Amendment to the Temporary Framework for COVID-19 state aid measure…

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Extension of the Temporary Framework on state aid and COVID-19

The Temporary Framework adopted by the European Commission in March 2020 is based on Article 107(3)(b) TFEU  to remedy a serious disturbance acro…

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Is AstraZeneca obliged to supply the EU with sufficient Covid-19 vaccines?

The EU-AstraZeneca agreement imposes a “best reasonable efforts” obligation on AstraZeneca to manufacture and deliver its Covid-19 vaccine doses to th…

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Verrekening van het FBB voor Franse dividenden : praktische handleiding voor particuliere beleggers

Particuliere beleggers met Franse aandelen in hun beleggingsportefeuille weten ongetwijfeld dat zij slechts een fractie overhouden van de hieruit voor…

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