News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Jurgen Smits as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Jurgen joins from HEINEKEN International, where he was Global Head of Competi…

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Liberius welcomes a new EU Competition and Regulatory Partner in Brussels

Liberius welcomes Wilko van Weert as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU & Competition Practice Group. Wilko specialises in EU competition and regulatory matters, with a pr…

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Eversheds welcomes new partner in Brussels

Eversheds Sutherland has announced the strategic international hire of Marjolein De Backer as a Partner in its Competition, Trade & Foreign Investment practice in Brussels.

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B2C : obligation d’accepter le paiement en espèces

Depuis le 31 mars 2024, toutes les entreprises sont tenues d’accepter les p…

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Priorities of the Belgian Competition Authority for 2024

On 7 June 2024, the Belgian Competition Authority (the “BCA”) published its…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Piramidesysteem als oneerlijke handelspraktijk

Naar aanleiding van een prejudiciële vraag van het hof van beroep te Brussel besprak het Hof van Justitie (nogmaals) de voorwaarden van een verboden p…

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Belgian Competition Authority issues a practical guide to fight bid rigging

On 31 January 2017, the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) issued a guide on bid rigging. This guide is explicitly directed to tendering authori…

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Professional Intermediaries and the Rules on consumer sales

In a recent judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union examines whether a company acting as an intermediary for a private individual in the …

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Court of Justice confirms Commission's approach in its first hybrid settlement case

On 12 January 2017, the Court of Justice fully dismissed the appeal of Timab and its parent company Roullier (the "Roullier group") against an ea…

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ECJ Expands Concept of “Seller” under Consumer Sales Directive

On 9 November 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) handed down a judgment in response to a request for a preliminary ruling from t…

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Rechtmatigheid van gezamenlijke aanbiedingen en het enkel vermelden van een totaalprijs

Op 7 september 2016 verhelderde het Hof van Justitie de voorwaarden omtrent de toelaatbaarheid van gezamenlijk aanbiedingen. De zaak betrof de verkoop…

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Misleidende handelingen en omissies

Het Hof van Justitie heeft in een prejudiciële beslissing bijkomende duiding gegeven over de interpretatie van artikel 6 en 7 van de Richtlijn oneerli…

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Niet altijd misleiding vereist bij verboden vergelijkende reclame

Het Hof van Cassatie heeft zich op 15 september 2016 uitgesproken over de interpretatie van artikel VI.17 §1, 3° WER, één van de voorwaarden voor geoo…

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Niet altijd misleiding vereist bij verboden vergelijkende reclame

Het Hof van Cassatie heeft zich op 15 september 2016 uitgesproken over de interpretatie van artikel VI.17 §1, 3° WER, één van de voorwaarden voor geoo…

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ECJ Dismisses Request for Preliminary Ruling in Proceedings against Uber

On 27 October 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the “ECJ”) declared inadmissible the question which the President of the Dutch-speakin…

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But,... that doesn't apply to me, I'm an SME...

You work at an SME. Like every working day, you begin your morning with a review of the most important economic news. One story immediately jumps out …

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Parasitisme bij speciaalbieren

De stakingsrechter besliste op 17 maart 2016 dat er geen sprake is van aanhaking of parasitisme door Brouwerij Van Honsebrouck (‘BVH’) met het op de m…

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Advertisements highlighting only part of the total price can be considered a misleading practice

In a judgment dated 26 October 2016, the Court of Justice ruled that advertisements which particularly highlight only part of the total price can be c…

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Verenigbaarheid Verbod op verkoop met verlies met europees recht

In zijn arrest van 7 maart 2013,  had het Hof van Justitie vastgesteld dat een algemeen verbod op verkoop met verlies, zoals opgenomen in het oud…

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General Court rules on the concept of a single and continuous infringement in the smart card chips cartel case…

On 15 December 2016, the General Court ("GC") dismissed the appeals brought by Infineon and Philips in the smart card chips cartel case. The European …

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Praktische tips voor online handelaars: prijs van telefoon naar after sales mag niet hoger zijn dan standaard …

De Advocaat -Generaal bij het Europees Hof van Justitie bevestigde in november 2016 nogmaals dat de prijs van een telefoon naar een after sales nummer…

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Belgian Competition Authority confirms that the acquisition by a dominant player of a small competitor is not …

On 21 November 2016, the Belgian Competition Authority ("BCA") rejected a request for provisional measures by Alken-Maes ("AM"), the second brewer on …

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Belgian Competition Authority rejects request for suspension of merger in the brewing sector

On 21 November 2016, the Competition College of the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) rejected a request of Brouwerijen Alken-Maes (“Alken-Maes”) …

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Court of Cassation rules on the prohibition of selling at a loss

In its judgment of 16 September 2016, the Court of Cassation ("Hof van Cassatie"/"Cour de cassation") dismissed the appeal against a judgment of the G…

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When the walls (and the competition authorities) have ears…

Your company is involved in a cartel investigation: the competition authority conducting it believes that your company made price agreements and excha…

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