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The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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New counsel at ebl-redsky

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel.

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Affluo breidt uit met een nieuwe partner en vestiging in Hasselt

Met veel enthousiasme verwelkomde Affluo op 1 september een nieuwe partner. Erwin Jennen is een ervaren advocaat en tevens erkend bemiddelaar in het ondernemingsrecht met een bijzo…

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Updated guidelines on Belgian FDI Screening

The Cooperation Agreement of 30 November 2022 establishing a foreign direct…

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Recent changes to the Belgian Code of Companies and Associat…

The “Law of 27 March 2024 on the digitisation of justice and miscellaneous …

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Compliance Officer Now Required in Non-financial Sectors

The Third Anti-money Laundering Directive (Directive 2005/60/EC of 26 October 2005) was implemented in Belgian law by the Act of 18 January 2010 (the …

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Update on the Shareholders' Rights Bill

Implementation of the Shareholders' Rights Directive in Belgium seems to be a never-ending process. We summarised the implementing legislation (the "S…

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The Shareholders' Rights Bill

On 25 November 2010, the Belgian House of Representatives adopted the Bill on the exercise of certain rights of shareholders in listed companies (the …

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Mergers and divisions for non-profit organisations

Due to radical changes in the relevant legislation, non-profit organisations (“NPO”s) now benefit from various provisions in terms of sectoral mergers…

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Higher filing charges for enterprises

As from the 1st January 2011 all enterprises have to pay higher costs for filing their annual accounts with the National Bank of Belgium. These new fi…

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The physical presence at a meeting of your corporation, a necessity?

Is it required that the directors or the shareholders of a corporation need to be physically present at its registered office  in order to validl…

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Réforme du paysage du contrôle financier

Dans notre numéro d’avril dernier, nous vous informions de la volonté des pouvoirs politiques et des autorités de contrôle de réorganiser le secteur d…

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Retail bond issues in Belgium : new CBFA guidelines and fast track prospectus approval

On 21 December 2010, the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (“CBFA”) published two notices regarding public offerings of corporate bonds in Bel…

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Injunction proceedings to obtain the appointment of a judicial administrator

When there is a deep crisis in a company , it is possible to apply to the court in urgency to obtain the appointment of a provisional director.

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Which reasons could be found in order to exclude a shareholder of a co-operative company with limited liabilit…

Many reasons could be found in order to exclude a shareholder of a co-operative company with limited liability. But are these reasons unlimited? Doctr…

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Obligation to notify a participation in unlisted companies

Obligation to notify a participation in unlisted companies when the rights to vote exceed upwards or downwards the threshold of 25% of the total votes…

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Change of control clause... or not?

Intuitu Personae Agreements with continuing performance of rights and duties: Assignment- but no Change of Control- clause?

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Do the banks lend again to the real estate sector? Yes, but…

The transactional real estate sector awakes slowly after the banking crisis. It is true, the banks lend again, but still timorously. They require from…

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The credit receiver: a person necessarily under supervision

Recent case law of the Court of Appeal of Mons emphasizes the active supervisory role that the banker, as credit provider, has to play in its dealings…

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Alternative funds – A new beginning

After more than a year of intense negotiation and political manoeuvring, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (the “AIFMD”) was finally …

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Money Laundering prevention and harassment : the two faces of the law

Belgian banks do not give their clients a break in the matter of obtaining the required information in their battle against money laundering. Clients …

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Cross-border mergers: new rules on the notification of the foreign companies register

On 10 September 2010, new rules on the notification of the foreign companies register in the case of a cross-border merger were adopted by means of a …

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Shareholders' Rights Directive finally implemented in Belgium

Shareholder participation in corporate life is a prerequisite for good corporate governance. It is thus essential to strengthen shareholder protection…

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Vous trouverez ci-après le compte-rendu  intégral des échanges de la table ronde du 8 novembre dernier, organisée par la Libre Belgique dans le c…

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Les délégations de pouvoirs en entreprise

Les délégations de pouvoirs au sein des sociétés permettent de simplifier ou d’optimaliser leur gestion. La simplifier, d’abord, en réduisant le nombr…

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