Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.
It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!
In our newsflash of 7 December 2022, we wrote that the draft Belgian Act on whistleblowing for the private sector, which transposes EU Directive 2019/…
Read MoreThe Act transposing the EU Whistleblowing Directive was published in the Official Gazette yesterday, entering into force in Belgium on 15 February 202…
Read MoreThe European Commission launched the formal process to adopt an adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework on December 13, 2022. The fra…
Read MoreWith the end of 2022 in sight, it’s time to look ahead to 2023. The new Executive Committee of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (“Belgian DPA”) c…
Read MoreThe draft Belgian Act on whistleblowing for the private sector, which transposes EU Directive 2019/1937 (‘the Whistleblowing Directive’) into national…
Read MoreIn a recent decision, the General Court held that the trade mark consisting of a figurative animal (right) does not cause a likelihood of confusion wi…
Read MoreVandaag (15 december 2022) is de Wet betreffende de bescherming van melders van inbreuken op het Unie- of nationale recht vastgesteld binnen een jurid…
Read MoreThe Digital Market Act (DMA) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 12 October, and it will enter into force on 1 November. La…
Read MoreWe increasingly depend on mobile devices. Many companies embrace the idea of “bring your own device” (“BYOD”) policies and allow employees to access c…
Read MoreAfter a great deal of discussion and years of preparation, the European patent landscape will soon change significantly with the introduction of the U…
Read MoreCyberveiligheidsrisico's nemen alsmaar toe binnen bedrijven aangezien telewerk en het gebruik van cloud computing werknemers uitgebreide toegang biede…
Read MoreDe fiscus opende dit jaar gerichte controles naar de auteursrechtenvergoedingen. Na de fase van de vragen om inlichtingen liggen thans de eerste beric…
Read MoreAs part of the European strategy for data, the Data Act seeks to create a framework that determines who can access what data.
Read MoreEn vigueur depuis le 1er août 2022, les articles XI.167/1 à XI.167/6 du Code de droit économique qui transposent en droit belge la directive européenn…
Read MoreIn de dagelijkse praktijk wordt e-mail vaak gebruikt als een efficiënt, pragmatisch en goedkoop communicatiemiddel. Tot op heden werd e-mail echter ni…
Read MoreThe Digital Single Market Directive (Directive 2019/790/UE – “DSM”) was finally recently transposed into Belgian law by a law of 19 June 2022 (“new Ac…
Read MoreCan payment service providers rely on bank secrecy in case of tax audits?
Read MoreSujet hyper-sensible qui traine depuis des années : comment atteindre l’équilibre entre, d’une part la nécessité de protéger la vie privée des million…
Read MoreBy the Act of 19 June 2022, Belgium transposed the Directive (EU) 2019/790 into Belgian law, hereby ushering in a number of changes. It…
Read MoreOn 1 August 2022, the Belgian law transposing the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (“DSM directive”) (EU Directive 2019/790) was pu…
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